prendisone for hens? what do you know


6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
A hen we adopted a few weeks back has extreme tilting of her head which appears to be wry /crook neck. we are administering electrolytes and vitamins. my neighbor is a dog and cat vet but thought we should consider prendisone. I understand tapering and too that it wipes out immune systems for a while. I need input if you used them for a hen? ours is a large Barred Rock. if so, what amount ....for how long? and tapering? and most importantly how is the hen?
Predisone is a very dangerous drug and really should not be used in birds. It is a strong anti inflamatory. The withdrawing of this drug, if not done right can kill. If they are suffering from wry neck, they need Vitamin B Selenium and Vitamin E. \Many times they can respond very quickly to these vitamins added to the diet.
I followed the treatment in brown egg blue or Alan stanfords treatment for wry neck for four cases of wry neck and and used prednisone by direction in all four. All four were completely cured. It didn't hurt my birds. It must be given correctly and when stopped they must be weaned off. That treatment worked wonderfully for my birds. I would use it again if need be. That's my experience with prednisone.
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Thank you all for your commitment to underscore the VERY important point. It is soooo true and you have highlighted how much so for hens. And too, it will be a short time WITH tapering. A must!! I am following the links and advice you all have provided. While her head is still tilting she is able to raise it a bit more (not as twisted and down as 24 hours ago). Also, she LOVES the scrambled eggs. This morning she ate 2 scramble eggs (while my daughter holds her nestled in her arms with her head resting on top of her arm at the elbow for support); while I cup the eggs with a little mash in my hands, Hershey pecks away with the sweeping movement of her beak...and she ate everything. We also gave her a little canned corn the same way following her vitamins (B; E with selenium; prendisone) - she LOVED it. We are continuing to give her electrolytes...Save a Chick packets fresh everyday we were able to get from our feed store.
I am so grateful to each of you!!!

I have found comfort in your counsel - and most importantly, wisdom to help Hershey.
I am not administering antibiotics because I do not believe it is a toxin. That said, I do not know, really. She had only been here for about 10 days when this happened. Prior to that she was at the Feed Store for over two weeks with no symptoms and where she was staying (until adopted...when we brought her home with the Cochin). She is about 4 years old. (I am placing the information for anyone in the future that is reading through posts because they are managing something similar. There are some posts about baby chicks.. and while many of you have shared about your adults, I wanted to insure I noted it. Thank you again - please keep your thoughts coming. It takes a village...or in our world, a pasture of folks!

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