

Just'a small town girl
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
do your pets ever bring you presents?

When i used to live in seattle my cat would catch live spiders and drop them at our feet! YUCK!
Now I have a cat that brings i a new animal every day! Sometimes its birds sometimes mice or moles. one time a bat.
Today it was a full grown rabbit ... headless! EWWWW! in my house! Idk if she thins shes feeding me but really!? ICKY!
I used to live in an OLD house (1700's) in the middle of acres and acres of corn and wheat fields. Every fall we'd be overrun by mice. I had a long-hair cat that was marked very much like yours. Every morning I'd find a dead mouse on the counter in front of the microwave. EVERY SINGLE MORNING through out the fall and part of the winter. I guess she was hoping I'd warm it up for her?????
My cat Tiger (she passed when she was 13 years old) I've had her since I was little.She would bring be dead rabbits,squirriels,mice etc. lol

I miss that cat
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We have a grey torti-tabby that is quite the predator. She regularly dispatches birds, squirrels, and rabbits. She is also an outstanding ratter, so though we'd rather she left the wildlife alone, we put up with it. After one unfortunate encounter with a copperhead, she now leaves snakes alone.

She usually consumes the her prey, so often the only way we know she has killed something is a few body parts left behind. For some reason, with rats, it's often just part of the head. Her favorite place to dispatch/dine is the brick walkway, and it's rather bizarre to walk out the door and see a rat's nose lying on the bricks.

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