Pressure wash coop?


Jul 10, 2020
Is it ok to deep clean coop and pressure wash inside? Or is that a bad idea to introduce water inside a coop? Of course I would wait til the weather is warm but was just wondering cause it’s dusty! I know that’s part of chickens. I usually just scoop out all shaving and sweep and knock down as much dust as I can! Is that good enough or should it ever be rinsed or washed out! Going on their fourth year in this coop. Thanks!
It's a bad idea.
I use a cobweb duster, a leaf blower and a shop vac to clean the coop once a year and wear a N95 face mask.
I'll do the cobweb duster and leaf blower again 6 months later or whenever it I feel like it.
Thank you! Will do. I was thinking the water wasn’t a good idea
I have never seen the sense in using a leaf blower, just moves it all around, right?
I've used the shop vac to suck that dust up and get it out of the coop.

Using water is not a good idea.
Thank you I will definitely get me a shop vac.
It's a bad idea.
I use a cobweb duster, a leaf blower and a shop vac to clean the coop once a year and wear a N95 face mask.
I'll do the cobweb duster and leaf blower again 6 months later or whenever it I feel like it.
Shop Vac - now that is a good idea - I have these monster cobwebs. I am a big fan of spiders and I am sure the chickens are too (as snacks) but it is getting out of control and every time I try to deal with them I get all tangled up in them.
Shop vac it is!
And @MommyGirl i agree with other responses that there is more downside to introducing water. My coop is excessively dry and directly on dirt so sometimes in summer I dampen it down a bit - but that is a very particular circumstance.
Shop Vac - now that is a good idea - I have these monster cobwebs. I am a big fan of spiders and I am sure the chickens are too (as snacks) but it is getting out of control and every time I try to deal with them I get all tangled up in them.
Shop vac it is!
And @MommyGirl i agree with other responses that there is more downside to introducing water. My coop is excessively dry and directly on dirt so sometimes in summer I dampen it down a bit - but that is a very particular circumstance.
Yes I get the same cobwebs at the top draped across the coop 🤣 Thanks
I have never seen the sense in using a leaf blower, just moves it all around, right?
Not entirely. I open all the windows and doors and blow it out the soffit vents and off the horizontal surfaces. It gets at least 70% of it out. I then let it settle while I remove the bedding then go back with the duster and vacuum.
I've walked outside to look at the coop just after leaf blowing and looks like Pig Pen from the Peanuts walking around.
Not entirely. I open all the windows and doors and blow it out the soffit vents and off the horizontal surfaces. It gets at least 70% of it out. I then let it settle while I remove the bedding then go back with the duster and vacuum.
I've walked outside to look at the coop just after leaf blowing and looks like Pig Pen from the Peanuts walking around.
There was a guy here long ago that was able to positively pressurize his coop so the blower technique worked very well.

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