PRETTY covered run, is it possible?


The Frosted Flake
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Jul 26, 2008
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
My Coop
My Coop
OK, I looked through all of the coop plans on this site......and I just wasn't that impressed with the runs.

I now need to have my runs covered 24/7 because of some very hungry eagles...and it is just plain ugly.

Any other pictures for me to look at?

Thank you!
what he said.

it'll be as pretty as you make it. for our next coop, which will have a big run, i'm toying with the idea of vines or climbing plants over the top to give them some shade, make it more attractive and a more effective use of that space.

still, you're in alaska so i'm thinking grape vines are out...
They are chickens.... if you want to own them, you have to get used to the fact that they look, act, smell, and live like chickens. If that doesn't seem 'pretty' to you, or you think having a chicken coop in your yard will make it look bad, then you probably shouldn't have one.

there are TONS of great coops on this site, and they all have awesome ideas to look at. I'm not sure what your idea of 'pretty' is, but there are lots of things that ban be done to a run to make it look nice by landscaping around the outside or inside if your birds don't kill it... stuff that will survive chickns, are usually larger things like plants or trees.

If you are saying they are ugly runs because they just have deer netting or what not over the top, then you are in for a lot more contruction costs, because you will be building a framed and chicken wired ceiling. Good luck.
Our run has a solid pitched roof.

It is hard to make a covered run pretty if you just lay hardware cloth flat across the top, but it is possible.

The runs referred to in this thread are just gorgeous. Thanks all for posting links to them. The first one looks like an aviary in a garden!
I can't say about chicken coops and runs in particular, but if you're willing to spend the money you can work wonders on landscape structures with paint and ornamental woodwork.

There are many beautiful designs for gazebos and arbors that might be made predator-proof with wire mesh and used for the chickens.
From my house most people don't motice the run, till they see the chickens.

You need to find the right coop/run for your yard.

Keep looking you'lll find something.

Thank you so much! Those pictures were great, and just what I needed to help me think more about what to do.

My coop is very pretty, but is off center from the run, which means that I couldn't just extend the coop roof.....and I do not think that I could move the coop.

Also, my run is so very large, and I would like it to be even larger.....but my DH says it can't be bigger unless it looks nice.

I might be able to do the wood panel thing like in the first picture.


Anyway, great pictures, anyone have any more? Ones with really big runs?

Check out Omran's coop (look him up in the 'user list', then go to his personal page, I'm sure he has pics there or on a linked page) -- it is not Martha Stewart type fancy, but is *attractive* IMO and could very, very easily be prettied up if you want something fancier.

Another way of looking at it -- a covered run is basically a shed with mesh walls. If that gives you any style ideas. Or, get a coupla books out of the library on building patios/arbors/terraces/decks sort of thing, you will find a variety of designs intended as roofed areas for *people* to lounge under that would work just as well, and look really swell, if mesh-walled for *chickens* to lounge under

Good luck, have fun,


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