Pretty discouraged.


11 Years
Apr 23, 2011
My first run with chickens is coming to a bleak ending. I get my chickens, About 2 months later, 4 come down with a crd. Duramycin nor Baytril worked. We ended them. Find out now all the rest except one(hopefully) are roos. A bit of bad luck. One I believe is getting beat up pretty bad, today I noticed bubbly eye. Now both, ugh. So, at this point I don't know where to go. I was planning on getting new chicks before summers end but with the crd rearing it's ugly head again I reckon I best not. So that will end up leaving me with one hopefully future hen. What do I do at this point? If i get rid of all of them including my pullet, wait till next spring, what's to say the crd doesn't rear it's ugly head, they say it's in the ground. So, so, so disappointed at this point. If I wait till next spring, that'll be another year and a half till I see eggs(maybe). Maybe I should try ducks. Bummed.
Cull the lot. Disinfect everything. Lime the run with hydrated lime. Let it set for a few weeks and lime it again. Wait until spring and start over.

It is a bit of a bummer, but not nearly as bad as dealing with a sick flock day in and day out. You have a chance to start fresh. Take it.

Good luck.
Sorry about your problems, I would keep the pullet but keep her isolated from the New ones for a while. give the coop a good cleaning with a good disinfectant. there are cleansers that are made specificaly for coops and that would also make life tough for any mite or other parasite that tries moving in. Almost 40 years ago, My mom would use Lysol for disenfecting the coop or in the barn especially if there was a mare about to foal. I can remember watching her sloshin the walls of afore menitoned places.
Read up on that crd if you can, if you can control how it is spread you stand a good chance of limiting the spread if not preventing it altogether.
Good luck
Thank you. I guess that is what we will do
Thank you for letting me know what to use.

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