Preventing sleeping in the nesting box?

Ali James

Jul 14, 2019
Essex, United Kingdom
My Coop
My Coop
Good morning everyone,

We are getting ready for our first flock of garden hens who will be around POL when we get them. I am trying to read up as much as I can ahead of them arriving, but have soooo many questions!

I have read that it is best to block up the next boxes to prevent pullets from sleeping in them before they actually start laying. However, at what point to do you allow them access to actually lay in them? How will I know when they are 'needing' the nest boxes?

I have this image in my head of a poor hen hopping about with crossed legs clucking 'I gotta go!! Let me in!!'
If they are POL I wouldn't discourage using the boxes. Mine were always open. They slept in them now and again but rarely. Mine just started laying this past week and no ine uses the boxes unless laying now. If you choose to keep them out just cover with a board. When you find an egg in the coop you will know it is time for boxes.
If the Pullets are near point of lay, you want the nest boxes open.
Around 15 weeks is a good time to open/install the nest boxes.
If your Pullets are trying to sleep in the nests after sunset, then block the nests an hour before sunset and open them after sunset when you lockup and turn off the lights, or open at sunrise.
I had to block the nests a few months ago because a 3 year old Hen decided to sleep there instead of the roosts, after years of roosting.
I blocked them with gallon jugs wedged in tight for around 10 days and she learned to roost again. 20180807_190633.jpg .GC
Biggest thing would be to make sure your roosts are higher than the nests.

I have chicks every year and broody wanna-bes,
tried the bottles and buckets and other stuff but they got in there anyway,
so I rigged a hinged nest cover.
Close an hour before roost time, open after dark when I lock up.

I watch my girls for their comb's and waddles turning red, I've had to block my nest boxes for a while to convince some of my newer hens that sleeping in them is not what they are for. Don't ask me how they do it, but I use the board's like the one in @aart 's post, wall to wall, and have gone to open them and found two hens in They seriously wanted to lay.
Don't ask me how they do it, but I use the board's like the one in @aart 's post, wall to wall, and have gone to open them and found two hens in They seriously wanted to lay.
Lay or sleep?
You may need to tighten up your cover.

I have only had one bird be able to get into the nests with the cover down.
She laid, and I knew who by egg, but was roosting by the time I found egg when locking up. I thought I'd need to cover those triangular end openings, but it never happened again.

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