Problem with my chick's foot.


12 Years
Feb 12, 2007
Wenatchee, Washington
]I noticed this on about the third day I had them, Is there anything I can do to correct this problem? I'm thinking I should cull it, but I don't know if it can be kept as a pet, or if it wouldn't have a very good life, do you guys have an opinion? I've never seen the chick walk without having it's foot tucked under.
Also, I put this in the General discussion, because to me it is not a disease. I think that maybe the name of Diseases and cures should also have health problems in the name, that way people could post more topics there. Or are we just supposed to know to post health problems there? I'm confused about it. Thanks for any help you can give me!
Slifer's feet were like that and she got around fine. Sometimes it a hatching defect...Take a small piece of plastic like a lid from a coffee can or a pet food can and cut the shape of a chicken foot out of it and tape it to the real foot. It should make the foot go back into shape.
Somewhere I read that it can be caused by the Marek vaccination. Were your chicks vaccinated?
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Side note: Wow! five toes! Which one of the breeds is it?
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the chick seems to have to many toes even on the other foot-or maybe I nuts
I took a flat piece of plastic and taped it on the chick's toes, but now it won't put it's foot down. I made sure it wasn't on the joint between the foot and toes, so I can bend it's foot to the right position, but the chick can't keep it there. When it walks it falls on it's face. Should I take the plastic off, or just hope it gets better when the toes learn to stay out? This pic is blurry, I had to use my old broken camera. maybe I can post a more clear pic later, but you can see the chick is on it's tip toes.
I think that kind of splint would work better if it had an extension up behind its leg.
I cut mine out of a firm butter tub container (foot part from the bottom and up the side of the tub for the leg). I used cloth bandage tape from the medicine cabinet to tape it firmly in place across the toes and up the leg being careful not to place it so it wouldn't rub or chaff its body. As far as resting, they can and will extend that leg out to the side if they're not able to keep it under their bodies.

It worked for my young one and replaced it when it got too dirty. You may definately need another pair of hands to help hold the little one while you're working on it! ( a foot and leg massage often may help too between splint changes)

Good luck
I have used just a piece of heavy tape, like packing tape. Cut out a circle larger than the foot, stick the foot on it like you want it and then carefully trim around the foot to get rid of the excess tape. Good luck

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