Prolapse in Sultan, Warning,vivid Photo


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Franklin, NC
My 8 month old Sultan has a prolapse and I have followed all instructions I have found on this site but I cannot get it to go back inside. What should I do now?
I have her inside in a cage. I have washed her up and she is still bleeding a little. It almost went back is but came out again and I have tried KY and gently pushed but had no luck. She is my Sweetie....I hope someone can help me out....

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I've read on here that using Preparation H (or some other hemerroid cream) helps tighten the skin of the prolapse. Keep pushing it in & applying the cream. Keep her separated from the others in a warm, dark place. Light helps stimulate hormones for laying, which contribute to the seriousness of the prolapse.

Keep us posted.
I'm sure chickens are very different from hogs (we couldn't count the ways), but we used to sew up prolapses in hogs (after we pushed them back in) with a needle and thread, washed thoroughly in iodine solution before and afterwards. I don't think I would attempt this on a chicken, as the skin/tissue seems to be thinner, and an egg still has to come out of the vent. Also, we were after-all raising the hogs for market and not necessarily for longevity. My point is this: if you think you'll just have to put her down, you might consider if some type of "surgical" solution would be beneficial; although, I'm not sure I know what that solution is. Good luck.
If you get prepH, try to find one with just witch hazel. That is the active ingredient you want. Pure witchazel would work too and be better since prep h for humans may contain other drugs too. Vasoconstriction brought on by the drug will make it smaller and easier to push in and hopefully stay. I don't know if you can sew up a bird, since as said, an egg in the shoot would be bad. Just know that if you can "save" her, often it will happen again and be a chronic issue.
ditto the advice on the witch hazel (I always have some in my medicine cabinet as it has several handy uses > great for bruising)
Rinse the prolapse first with sterile saline (you can make this up yourself by boiling 1/4 tsp salt in a quart of water for five minutes ) ... You can then rinse the prolapse with a five percent dextrose solution if you have no witchhazel (recommended in various vet articles > it will also help shrink the swelling >> see link below) ... you then use ky gelly or similar sterile lubricant so it goes back in easily and then after you have it reinserted smear on the prepH (preferably the one with witchhazel in it) around the vent and inside the rim of the vent.
put the bird in a darkened quiet room . I suggest you consider trying to initiate a molt by diluting her feed (with scratch and oatmeal) and NOT providing any extra light (this means if you are using light as a heat source you would need to separate her out of that environment until you are sure that she has stopped laying/has gone into molt) ... do NOT provide extra light (you want her to stop laying).
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Thank you so much for all the answers I have received. I am incorporating these and I will see how she does. I am on way to get witch hazel now...

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