pros and cons to in-breeding

I think this is basically it, in a nutshell:

Pros to inbreeding: fixes good traits rapidly.

Cons to inbreeding: fixes bad traits rapidly.


Obviously there's more to it than just that, but really it's a massive subject, lots to learn. I inbreed new stock to find bad genes or traits, then cull the inbred generations as food (unless any become pets or are rehomed), then outbreed. Some inbreds I keep around for future reference, not all bad genes show instantly, some take years and I want longevity in my chooks.

The best thing you can do is gather all the info you can on chook breeding, genetics, and your particular animals, not just information on their breed, but information on the family line of your chooks which may have non breed specific faults like Leucosis.

Best wishes.
Well, the best think to do is to begin to attend APA/ABA events and become part of the community; it will give you the framework that you need to breed chickes well, and it will help to keep you out of your head. When we're too much in our head, we start drawing conclusions that often lack basis.

It's not really a grand debate about inbreeding and outbreeding. To some extent you will practice both, if you're doing things right. What you need to begin is 2 to 3 pairs or trios, and from there it's about managing your pairings. There are a lot of poultry people in MN. Subscribe to the Poultry Press to get current on all the upcoming events, and then find out who's who in the MN APA/ABA culture.

It is they who will help you maneuver your breeding decisions.


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