
15 Years
May 30, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Hi All,
We had a rooster mishap and two bantams beat the heck out of a normal roo. We saved his sorry butt and tube fed him and cared for him until one of his eyes “returned”. He didn’t do too badly for about 10 months but a bantam got loose and teased him, resulting in his fighting the bantam through 1/4 inch mesh wire. He grated his upper beak off.
After all the fleshy part healed I trimmed his lower beak back so he could eat, but he just got thinner and started to falter. He’s back in the house, been tube feeding him baby formula but dislike this stop gap.
I cut his spurs and used some of the horn to make an artificial beak. I used fingernail glue. It worked, and he started eating with gusto. And it came off. Any ideas on keeping it attached for more than a day? Pics below. I think.
Pictures not showing. Sometimes feeding a bird with beak issues moistened feed in a deep dish is the solution to the problem.
Hi All,
We had a rooster mishap and two bantams beat the heck out of a normal roo. We saved his sorry butt and tube fed him and cared for him until one of his eyes “returned”. He didn’t do too badly for about 10 months but a bantam got loose and teased him, resulting in his fighting the bantam through 1/4 inch mesh wire. He grated his upper beak off.
After all the fleshy part healed I trimmed his lower beak back so he could eat, but he just got thinner and started to falter. He’s back in the house, been tube feeding him baby formula but dislike this stop gap.
I cut his spurs and used some of the horn to make an artificial beak. I used fingernail glue. It worked, and he started eating with gusto. And it came off. Any ideas on keeping it attached for more than a day? Pics below. I think.
Pictures not showing. Sometimes feeding a bird with beak issues moistened feed in a deep dish is the solution to the problem.

That’s how I’ve had him eating, fresh corn in a coffee mug, but he was giving up.


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It almost looks as if that lower beak could once again be trimmed back. Regardless of what you work out to help him, he needs a balanced diet. If he were mine, I would offer a high protein grower diet. It also looks as if other birds have been picking on him - perhaps even trying to breed him. Feathers have been pecked from his head. Dealing with this behavior can subordinate a bird to the point where he just gives up.
He was a rescue from a fight farm, so came to us without comb and wattles. He has to live alone because he abuses hens. Will try again with stronger glue. He was excited to eat this afternoon with his new beak.
Kudos! What a unique way to solve a problem and save a bird! Strangely, i made my grandsons girlfriend rooster spur earrings for Xmas. They look like long weird pearls.

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