Proud Cayuga owners!!!!

Very nice! Yeah hard to find indeed. How many did you end up getting?

I am just working on my own feed store duckies & will be working on breeding the best together (right now I am working on building up a crested cayuga gang) Once I add in new blood this spring I will then also do standard cayuga as well --- I just love the poofs on top tho

I hatched out 8 eggs from 2 of my girls (Queenie- the crested ruler & Penelope- the small timid one) I kept 3, a crested drake(the one on the left in the 1st 2 pics) & 2 ladies -> Gimp(my little smooth headed sweetie who has a twisted leg from how she was in the egg) & Maggie. The adults are in the 3rd & 4th pics.

2wks ago- the 3 little ones went outside to live -getting toooo messy inside
so I was hoping that it wouldn't take long fro them to be accepted into the adult gang of duckies........
A few days after being locked up every night in their "1st flr apartment" they are all friends & are always together! It's too funny watching them all line up to move on to another grazing area

I absolutely love my Cayugas! It's even okay that the flock are all Nnja Stealth Ducks, up all night, sitting around their kiddie pool telling duck jokes and holding Duck Drumming Circles by billing the sides of the plastic pool.

"Huh-YACK yack yack yack yack!"
Oh Oh.... and did I tell you that 2012 was the year of the Drakes? Of those 4 babies I got....3 were boys.
wow 3 out of 4! That's crazy - I was lucky enough to only have 3 drakes out of the 8 I hatched.

A friend of mine hatched out a bunch of Easter Egger chicks & most of them were boys!

I have 34 chicken eggs in lock down right now... hope the male jinx didn't follow

HAHA ninja stealth ducks!! Right?!?!?!?! I go outside late at night sometimes -I have trouble sleeping- makes me feel better to go out & see all the animals alive & well..... & of course the ducks jibberjabbering away either in their hut or by the kiddie pool - too funny, once one of the girls hears/sees me, the dark scary shadow in the distance, lets out a huge honk & they are start bickering about who gets to run around crazy first!!!! They settle down once they realize I'm not an evil thing coming to eat them
Ummm... Are you sure they are not just letting you know where they are? Because we all know, you should be carrying out some food for them.... right?
I wondered what our ducks did all night long so I set up the critter cam on their pen. Almost 600 pictures later (in just ONE overnight!) I realized that no, they don't sleep much. Silly duckers!
So all of the sudden my Cayuga has started picking on my 2 mallard hens. I was watching them yesterday and she will swim up to the mallards and grab their heads with her beak and drag them around the pond and dunk their heads in the water. Then my mallard drake will get in between them and make them stop. Is this normal behavior??
Are they all females (except the Drake breaking it up)?

If so, it could just be that they are trying to establish their "pecking order".

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