Pullet or cockeral, or pullet acting like a cockeral? (I Took pics)


In the Brooder
Sep 24, 2023
Happy Holidays everyone,

One of our 4 birds has recently developed some concerning traits. We are new chicken keepers, so some more experienced eyes would be helpful. Of the 4, she is the most aggressive, alpha pullet. Developmentally, she showed the exact same behaviors on virtually the same day as the others as they were maturing. She has consistently been the second largest of the 4, with the other Easter Egger being the tallest, heaviest, and widest bird. They were hatched in the middle of July, so they are nearing 5 months old. About a month ago, she starting getting much more physically aggressive behavior towards two of the others. Those two are in the middle of the pecking order, so it the neck biting and poultry back rides she was taking seemed like perhaps a dominance thing. At least that is what I thought until today.

Today, I got up before they did and watched them leave the coop. Out polish is always the first one in at night and the first one out in the morning. Before the polish could even get one step down the ramp, my confused pullet pushed her way out and jumped right down. As the polish neared the end of the ramp, what do I see? A rooster dance. Doing the full dancing in a circle around my polish and then she just started spinning in dizzying circles like a dog chasing it's tail, but 'dancing'. None of my pullets are laying and so will not submit regardless. After about 10 minutes of chasing the other definitely girls around, she flaps then crows twice. Unbelievable. I went back and checked the security cameras for the past few days, and apparently she has been doing this a while. Not one crow during the day that I've heard her do, so it was shocking.

Physically, she definitely has 'W' shaped wings. She was the 2nd to grow a comb, but the first for it to get light red. It has not turned into a deep shade of crimson, but stayed a pretty consistent light red color. She has small, but pronounced bumps on her legs. Up until about Sep 28th, her feathers looked pretty normal for a pullet her age, but during October her tail & heckle feathers got really long.

So, do I have a cockeral or 'tomboy' pullet having a temporary 'phase'? She is a pet, not food, so I'd like to keep her around if there is some chance this is just hormonal and she will settle down.

Pics (out of chronological order): 1 is from yesterday, 2 is from Early Oct, 3 is from late Oct.


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Appreciate that. It's been quite emotional to get past what now seems like our absolute denial about him being a cockeral. Now that you all have confirmed it, wife and I are like 'now everything makes much more sense'.

I have to say, one of the most hilarious things is, whenever any of them try to bite at me (which is pretty infrequent, but kids gotta learn), I immediately put them in the submission position. The other 3 go right down, calm down immediately and then I get let go. This one pushes back, struggles to get away and when I use more force to make him sit regardless, he will give this hilarious frustrated beak swipe in the dirt and stare daggers at me for a min before finally giving in. If chickens could curse. :lol:

I have to say that he's been pretty gentle with people, maybe due to being lap raised (he's actually sitting in my lap relaxing as I type this) and well disciplined. Out of the four, he's the most tolerant lap sitter. Never attacked any of my family. I do get raked once in a while when he finds grip with a talon while being held, but I think that's most chickens. He does seem to peck or bite at other people's hands when they move their hands too quickly towards his head, but has never drawn blood from anyone.

The dancing and spinning in circles yesterday was actually really cute and amusing. I think it was just hard to enjoy at the time because I was dealing with facing him being a rooster.

We will eventually have to rehome him, sooner rather than later. We are looking for someone that won't process him for meat the moment we leave. I have grown up with animals and have never rehomed any pets before. The whole situation breaks my heart, which is funny because the one condition I had when my wife asked to get chickens was 'no roosters'. Now he's my favorite.
I understand completely.

My favorite chicken was an 'accidental cockeral' 😆 He was quite a character and I really couldn't help myself!

When I had first gotten chickens, one roo was allowed then the area in which I lived changed rules. 🫤

I wasn't about to get of him however 😆 I did the only thing I knew to do- bought a no-crow collar (which really did make him far quieter) and bribed my closest neighbors with eggs 🤣

He went through a sassy phase- but it never was awful or anything. 😏 I'd pick him up and cuddle him, hold him like a baby, and talk sweet to him, when he'd get that way- lol- and yeah- I know there's all sorts of advise on the topic, I say- do whichever works for you and that you feel fits YOU best 😏

My lil guy was a bantam so he wasn't big and all my children are adults 😏 My one grandson is double digits. He never messed with my dog (lab mutt mix) or the barn cat.

He was really only a jerk for- on and off- about four months. Part of that time, I did separate him from the girls and he actually improved. I put him back in when they had matured and he 'generally' wasn't. 😏 He would have random moments.

If he acted like he was gonna be feisty, I'd ask him 'Do you need LOVE?' - throw open my arms and chase after him- he would then do the worried cluck and run off 🤣-- I'd catch & cuddle him- then set him down- and he'd do that - puff up and stomp off thing - IF the girls around 🤣😆🤣-- Like he was flexing, saying 'I told you to put me down' and 'Told you so!' - even though he actually adored being cuddled 😏

He actually was killed protecting his ladies.
Such a good rooster.
He, too, always danced. 😏

I dunno.

I've kept two others since him and they were both good. Did the same thing. Both bantams. Both sweet. Never had issues.
One I gave away because I only wanted the risk of one- and the one I kept- well- he just recently died when I was out of town and DH was in charge. Hawk or loose dog. 😔 He wasn't sure.

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