Pullet or Cockerel?

16 and me

Oct 31, 2022
Hello All! I am new to chicks and newer still to this forum. I inherited a flock of 1 year old mixed heritage chickens early this summer. In August the Buff Orpington went broody and and sat on a clutch of 6 mixed eggs. I think 3 were her own, but 3 belonged to the others. Dads are Polish and Americauna. (4 are from the polish, this one included) At 11 weeks old I can say with confidence that 4 are cockerels and 1 is a pullet. I don't know about this little chick. Comb is redder than the pullet, but not as red as the cockerel. The tail feathers are confusing me. Even, but with two longer feathers. The cockerels all have very pointy feathers, the pullet has only the nice tidy rounded, even feathers.
I have to cull all the cockerels, my 2 roos are enough to manage the hens I have. So is this last chick Sarah or dinner?

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