pullet with 1 leg-coon attack


8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
Nolanville TX
I have a light brahma pullet that is about 2 months old. last night a coon reached in a 2 " gap near the wheels under the tractor she was in and pulled out (through 1' wire mesh bottom) her leg - completely! there is no stump, just an empty socket. I have seen posts here about chickens with broke legs or PARTS of the leg destroyed by frostbite. but what I want to know is if anyone has real info on a chicken-especially a heavy breed-doing well with only 1 leg.

i can post a photo later.
That's horrible! Maybe you could make her a wooden leg?
What I've just read about it is most chickens with one leg end up being house pets or spoiled.
I hope you can save her!
I didn't write this.

Hi, I have been reading a lot about chickens with injured legs the past few days, since we found one with a badly damaged foot. The vet just amputated yesterday, and said chickens will learn to get along well on one leg, and will learn to use their wings as props. I was very encouraged to read dozens of inspiring stories on this website about chickens that had good quality of life with just one foot. The bird may be a bit slower and a little more vulnerable to predators, or might in some cases require significant extra care or living indoors, depending on the injury. But I do think there's hope! Some people have written about using a prosthetic for chickens, and we may try to rig a replacement foot/support for our hen to give her better mobility. We're going to try to give our Rocky a chance to live a good life, after her suffering.

Here is a post about successful splinting of a broken leg: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=412750&p=1

You can search 'amputation' to find more posts about one-legged chickens, but here are a few with encouraging stories:

Good luck to you and your bird!
I'm sorry about your pullet, but I'm not sure she can survive with such injuries if any internal organs were damaged. The bleeding alone must have made her shocky. I would clean the wound with water sprayed fro a faucet and some Hibiclens or betadine. Dry and and keep a cloth on it to stop bleeding. Then I would apply neosporin or other plain antibiotic ointment. Flies will be a problem, so keep her inside away from them so there aren't maggots in the wound. If she is in a great deal of pain and not looking strong, I would probably put her down. But only you can judge that, and chickens can be amazing at what they can survive. Antibiotics probably should be given, and injectable Procaine Penicillin G from the feed store with 20 gauge needles and syringes would probably be a good idea. Dosage is 1/4 ml or cc daily into the breast muscle for 4 days. Feeding high protein snacks like eggs and adding water and a bit of buttermilk or yogurt to her feed would be good.

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