Pullets and Hens = Not Friends in the Coop


Nov 16, 2021
New England
Hi Everyone!

I’m hoping for some guidance here as I think I may have bungled my chick introductions.

Current Flock:
3 Hens
4 Pullets (Lavender Orps)
3 Guinea Fowl (had 4, but lost one to a fisher two nights ago) Guineas and Pullets raised together from chicks and keets. Bonded.


This is our current set-up. We have a coop (red) that is 4x6 or 4x8, but do not quote me on that 😂 the run is 8x16 and within the run is another run (which used to be our temp run for 5 full size hens - later 3). Inside the second run is a small rabbit hutch where they chicks and Guinea hens moved after the brooder.

A fisher attacked the other night and caught one Guinea hen. Electric fence is going in today. However, we wanted to get the Pullets in the actual Red Coop last night for extra safety, but the hens kept pecking them off the roosts. Then the guineas were SCREAMING for their sisters (they are impossible to wrangle or we’d put them in the coop too).

All chickens and guineas have been living together for almost 4 weeks. They started hanging out all together about 2 weeks ago. Big hens free range during the day and littles get some free range time when we are out with them.

My question or problem is: how do I get them in the coop? Is the hens pecking behavior normal or bullying? There was no blood, but they were so mean. Do I remove the rabbit hutch so they can’t roost there? Do we lock them in the coop for a week so then they know that’s home? It’s currently hot here in MA so I also don’t want them to be trapped in there when it’s 90+.

Thank you for all your help! I know I am being an overly focused chicken mom - so I so appreciate all the help and feedback! :)
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Chickens can be horrible at roost time.
You need to fully secure the coop to the run and have no gaps larger than 1/2". Fishers are incredibly strong, smart predators and it will likely come back for more.
If your run is predator proof, there will be no need to lock them in the coop. Then the pullets will join the hens when they are better integrated.
How much roost space is in the red coop? They need at least 1 linear foot per bird.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Chickens can be horrible at roost time.
You need to fully secure the coop to the run and have no gaps larger than 1/2". Fishers are incredibly strong, smart predators and it will likely come back for more.
If your run is predator proof, there will be no need to lock them in the coop. Then the pullets will join the hens when they are better integrated.
How much roost space is in the red coop? They need at least 1 linear foot per bird.
Thank you!

We have 12 ft for roosting space for them in the red coop.

We have 1/2 inch hardware cloth for the run enclosure and 4x4 beams about 6-8ft down. Motion sensor lighting. Ring Camera.

The run is getting an actual roof in 2 weeks - avian netting doubled now. Electric fence should be charged by today. Not ideal since I know the fisher can get through the netting in 2 seconds.
Electric fence should be charged by today. Not ideal since I know the fisher can get through the netting in 2 seconds.
It's got to get past the electric first. How are you running your strands? How many ground rods are you driving down? Make sure you go down as close to 8' as you can. I have two rods down 8' jumpered together in a very wet area right near the charger and run 10,000 volts through the netting. No ground predator has ever gotten into my pen and I saw a Fisher with 2 kits run through the woods immediately behind where the pen was ultimately constructed. I also have a momma black bear that has been seen multiple times on my property over the years. She's never bothered the flock either.
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