Pullets dropping like flies


8 Years
Apr 7, 2016
i started with seven chicks in Mid May of this year. All were healthy chicks they stayed inside longer then my last batch because of the heavy rain. I moved them all outside into their own coop/run within my big girls run. All was well. They are about two to three months old and I was getting ready to integrate them to the big and teenage ladies when I noticed blood in some stool one morning. So I raced to tractor supply and picked up corrid. I did as instructed, every day fresh water with their antibiotic mixed in. All was well but I kept them quarantined just to be safe for another two weeks. As I was about to integrate them a second time my barred rock started acting strange. She would wobble her head thinking it was a vitamin deficiency I put crushed b complex in their food. She was eating drinking fine. Then that night she wouldn't go in her coop in the morning she was dead. So I disenfected their coop made sure everything was dry. I checked for bloody stool.... nothing. I figured it must of just been a weird thing. So I kept them in their own space yet again a few days maybe a week after she passed I was going to try again. The rest of the small flock seemed to be fine until I went to coop them up and noticed my EE laying on the ground. He reacted to the light no bloody stool. In the morning when I went to check on them and let the rest of flock out I noticed he had droopy wings and kinda week. Within an hour to two I got a call that he too passed away. Is there something I'm missing? What should I do? I have no poultry vet in my area. I need help bad!!! Is anyone else having this problem?
I think that sounds like it could be Marek's Disease. Were your chickens vaccinated? I'm not sure about the treatment for that, but you could google it or do a search here at BYC....I'm so sorry you're having problems.....
I think that sounds like it could be Marek's Disease. Were your chickens vaccinated? I'm not sure about the treatment for that, but you could google it or do a search here at BYC....I'm so sorry you're having problems.....
No I got them from a local feed store... i started them back on corrid to see if that helps. If not I'll probably have to cull the flock and start over right?
What dose of Corid are you using? The correct dose is 1 1/2 tsp to 1 gallon of water if youre using the powder. You can also make a small dose of 10ml water and 1/2 tsp of corid powder and give that directly into sick birds, drip into side of beak. Treat all your birds! Also having them drink the corid water. Do not give vitamins while giving corid. After treating with corid, you should replace their thiamine with b1 vitamins.

If your not seeing bloody poops anymore, or other signs of cocci, you may be looking at thiamine deficiency from the corid use, so you wouldn't want to keep them going on corid. You have to decide which you think you are seeing.
No I got them from a local feed store... i started them back on corrid to see if that helps. If not I'll probably have to cull the flock and start over right?

I'm sorry you are experiencing some issues with your pullets. I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

I did as instructed, every day fresh water with their antibiotic mixed in.
Are you referring to the Corid? Or are your referring to an additional antibiotic?

And did you give these pullets the full dose plus the .012 and .006 dosage to follow?
Wait, how old are these pullets? And Corid is not an antibiotic. If you're giving some antibiotic plus Corid, you should never mix those two. Blood in stools can mean cocci, but it can also mean a large worm load or necrotic enteritis. There is no reason to suspect Marek's disease necessarily. (by the way, there is no treatment for Marek's). Botulism can kill, moldy feed can kill. Rainy periods are bad for missing mold in feed on the ground or around waterers, etc.
It has been an extremely wet summer but I check for mold every morning and nothing... no bloody poop just droopy wings then death. Not to sure what that could be.
I think you were looking at cocci at first, as you had just put them on ground. Now I'm not sure if you have cocci again, or are dealing with the deficiency from corid use. If you've treated for cocci correctly, and for a long time, I guess I would go with deficiency and start pushing those vitamins on them.

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