Purina Mills Coop - Big Enough?

Oh yeah, and as far as roosting they all roost from about dusk til around dawn... then some will roost at other times too.
I read somewhere that you need approx 9-10" of roost space per bird. (that was based on full size so I don't know what bantams would need)
We built this coop as well. Made some modifications to it, but kept the size the same. We had 4 living in it comfortably. I like the fact that they can go UNDER the coop in bad weather. My hens never minded being outside in bad weather because they were able to hang out under there.
I have a 2x8 foot coop for 10 birds who are just over three months old, and seven of them roost all together on the single roost on one side. If you have three staggered roosts like it shows in the schematic, I think you may actually be okay. But it will probably be cramped.

If you can enlarge the coop, I suggest you go for it. If there is extra space...just get more chickens!
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