Putting chicks in with lone quinea


15 Years
Jun 22, 2008
Hi, I have one quinea that is 8 weeks old. He, or she, whichever it is, was injured by a dog and cannot fly. It is walking fine and eating and drinking fine.

I have 3 Buff Orpington day old chicks and 6 day old guineas coming in around 10 days.

As of right now the guinea has the whole henhouse to itself.
The house is set up with a heat lamp and everything need for the day old chicks and keets. (I have raised several chicks in there from day one before, in case someone is wanting to tell me to put them in a brooder.) They do just fine in the coop with the correct lighting for heat.
My question is, will I be able to leave the juvenile guinea in with the day old babies or will it harm them? Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks, Chris
Anyone have any ideas on this subject?
If you do decide to try it, I would think a lot would depend on the disposition/temperament of the injured 8 wk. old. It may be fine with them, but I would definitely watch like a hawk when you first try to put them together. With that much size difference, I'd be very cautious. I hope all goes well for you and that your injured baby heals completely. When it is completely healed and fully grown, perhaps it will be able to fly again.
Thanks for the ones that replied to my question. I guess I thought more people would have gone through this before and I could get some suggestions.

The older guinea seems to be healed as it is walking and running now on its leg and is always about 6 feet up on the roosting post in the evening so he must be flying up there.

I have decided to get a super large rubbermaid tote and set up the brooder inside my hen/guinea house with a wire cover on it. That way the older guinea will be able to see them but not get to them. I will just watch and see how it reacts to the babies in the coming weeks.

They are all due in on Thur. or Fri. Can't wait!
Thanks for your help.
thats sounds like a good idea
I have decided to get a super large rubbermaid tote and set up the brooder inside my hen/guinea house with a wire cover on it. That way the older guinea will be able to see them but not get to them. I will just watch and see how it reacts to the babies in the coming weeks.
thats sounds like a good idea

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