Putting Ducklings outside at 3 weeks?


Sep 16, 2015
So my last try with ducks ended up all boys when I wanted girls so I sold them and started over. Last time I had the ducklings outside at three weeks but it was the middle up 90-100 degree summer. The upcoming highs are low to mid 70s and lows in the upper 40s. They have been with out heat during the day and about half the night (checked in on them the other night and they were panting). Do you guys think they would be fine outside with no heat sources? They keep sneaking out of their brooder (shower stall with cardboard across).

Here's the duck house/run (ignore the stuff in the right back corner):

The ducklings taken two days ago:



So my last try with ducks ended up all boys when I wanted girls so I sold them and started over. Last time I had the ducklings outside at three weeks but it was the middle up 90-100 degree summer. The upcoming highs are low to mid 70s and lows in the upper 40s. They have been with out heat during the day and about half the night (checked in on them the other night and they were panting). Do you guys think they would be fine outside with no heat sources? They keep sneaking out of their brooder (shower stall with cardboard across).

Here's the duck house/run (ignore the stuff in the right back corner):

The ducklings taken two days ago:

@bookwormofdune They sure are cute but at 3 weeks and not feathered in I don't think they should be outside in 40* nights. They really can't keep themselves warm till feathered in completely.. They would need a heat source they need over night temps around 75*
I have them outside at the moment. I'm thinking take them outside during the day to play as well as try to keep the indoors mess down. Then bring them inside in the evening for overnight warmth.
I have them outside at the moment. I'm thinking take them outside during the day to play as well as try to keep the indoors mess down. Then bring them inside in the evening for overnight warmth.
Good idea just make sure when they are outside they have shelter from wind rain or what ever you maybe having even hot sun.
As Miss Lydia said.......Keep wind and rain off of them and Ducklings that age are tough....They need no heat now...It will encourage the feathers to grow.....

I love Ducklings...I cutest thing next to puppies!!!!
They are Feathered Puppies!

As Miss Lydia said.......Keep wind and rain off of them and Ducklings that age are tough....They need no heat now...It will encourage the feathers to grow.....

I love Ducklings...I cutest thing next to puppies!!!!
They are Feathered Puppies!

Exposing them to lower temperatures will ensure that they feather out as they should, but care should be taken to make sure that they are warm enough, until they are fully feathered and can maintain their body heat. Exposing them to cold temperatures is not going to rush or force the feathering process any. Right now, at that young age, trips outside if the weather is mild is great for them, but overnight they should be kept warm still.

In nature you won't see a duck keeping her ducklings warm 24/7, they roam even when it's cold, but mom is there for warm-ups as and when needed. They are tough, yes, but they will need some help in the heat department for awhile still
we are on our first round of ducks and I started getting them ready for winter at 3 weeks. I wanted to wait till around 5 but my wifes allergies would not allow it. it was 70s in the day and 30's and 40's at night. I had a heat light in the coop at night but after the first week i felt like they were getting to hot at night, they would break loose in the morning and go straight for the cold pond water. so I took the heat lamp away and threw a 35 w white bulb in thre. one of them new spiral ones that dont generate much heat at all. Ill add I had 6 of them at the time so they would huddle up if they needed to. now I have taken the light completely away and down to 3 ducks. ( had to many males) they are 11 weeks now and its getting down into the 20s at night and havent had a problem .I let nature slowly harden them up as it got colder outside. I know a lot would not recomend that but that was my prsonal experience and maybe I got lucky . my ducks love these cold mornings. seems to be when they are the most active to lol. I cant wait to see them playing in the snow.
we are on our first round of ducks and I started getting them ready for winter at 3 weeks. I wanted to wait till around 5 but my wifes allergies would not allow it. it was 70s in the day and 30's and 40's at night. I had a heat light in the coop at night but after the first week i felt like they were getting to hot at night, they would break loose in the morning and go straight for the cold pond water. so I took the heat lamp away and threw a 35 w white bulb in thre. one of them new spiral ones that dont generate much heat at all. Ill add I had 6 of them at the time so they would huddle up if they needed to. now I have taken the light completely away and down to 3 ducks. ( had to many males) they are 11 weeks now and its getting down into the 20s at night and havent had a problem .I let nature slowly harden them up as it got colder outside. I know a lot would not recomend that but that was my prsonal experience and maybe I got lucky . my ducks love these cold mornings. seems to be when they are the most active to lol. I cant wait to see them playing in the snow.
In my opinion your doing a great Job......I have raised Ducklings for a friend and this is my first year keeping them as Mature Birds......Ducks love cooler temps.....They find shade over the sun.....Tough....I do not care what other say? I know what works....

Cheers to you!!!
we are on our first round of ducks and I started getting them ready for winter at 3 weeks. I wanted to wait till around 5 but my wifes allergies would not allow it. it was 70s in the day and 30's and 40's at night. I had a heat light in the coop at night but after the first week i felt like they were getting to hot at night, they would break loose in the morning and go straight for the cold pond water. so I took the heat lamp away and threw a 35 w white bulb in thre. one of them new spiral ones that dont generate much heat at all. Ill add I had 6 of them at the time so they would huddle up if they needed to. now I have taken the light completely away and down to 3 ducks. ( had to many males) they are 11 weeks now and its getting down into the 20s at night and havent had a problem .I let nature slowly harden them up as it got colder outside. I know a lot would not recomend that but that was my prsonal experience and maybe I got lucky . my ducks love these cold mornings. seems to be when they are the most active to lol. I cant wait to see them playing in the snow. 

If I was willing to run a light in the duck house this would work for me as well. I just don't trust that the fur balls I have running around wouldn't snag a cord or something. Starting a fire worries me

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