Pygmy goat housing ?


7 Years
May 14, 2013
Hi all... i am a new goat mama... and right now they are living in my shed. I was going to build them their own shelter, but they are loving the area under my chicken coop. they are sharing the chicken pen, and if that area is good for them, they might just stay in there with the chickens, since they seem to like them.

Under the coop, is 4x16 and 24-36" high, it is built so that it is sheltered from the weather for the chickens, and the "floor" is all sand. would this be suitable for them? Everything I am reading says just a place to get out of the rain, and this is much bigger than I would be building for them, but not higher.
Do you have a way to keep them from getting into the chicken feed?
And just to clarify it's not a 24/36 inch fence, that's the height from ground to roof?
Can you get under there to take care of them if needed?
Is the coop floor closed so that the droppings and such won't fall down on them?
Will it be a haven for snakes and other critters in the warmer months?
Is there a place for them to have clean water not filled with chicken poop?
Where will they eat their hay and grain (if feeding grain?

Just some things to think about. It may very well be a great place for them, I don't know... depends on some of the answers. :)
Do you have a way to keep them from getting into the chicken feed?
And just to clarify it's not a 24/36 inch fence, that's the height from ground to roof?
Can you get under there to take care of them if needed?
Is the coop floor closed so that the droppings and such won't fall down on them?
Will it be a haven for snakes and other critters in the warmer months?
Is there a place for them to have clean water not filled with chicken poop?
Where will they eat their hay and grain (if feeding grain?

Just some things to think about. It may very well be a great place for them, I don't know... depends on some of the answers. :)

Hi! The fence for the pen is 50"plus 2 feet of chicken wire at the top. I can get under if I need to. That's where they go when it's time for them to go I'm the shed now. The coop floor is plywood and water resistant. .so nothing will be dropping on them. I haven't had issues with snakes at all the last few years I have had my chickens. The chickens get fed inside so far the goats haven't been able to get in the coop And the water is supplied through now I am wondering if they would learn to drink from plan was to feed them with pvc pipes so I can feed them without going in except the hay. I already have that setup for them.

Thanks for the reply!
You can use a nipple waterer, just not a poultry one. They aren't big enough for a goat to get adequate amounts of water from. You would have to get a pig type one.

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