Quail newbie looking for feedback

Just an update: Chick number six is moving around very well. His legs are still a bit weird (def. not splayed, just not working right), but he has some powerful will power. When he managed to come out of that egg, it honestly looked like he was at death's door and would pass very soon. Now, he's eating and drinking like a champ, and is back with the other chicks. Funny thing, when I put him back in to see how they would react, he chased after them and tried to bite their toes. Guess he wanted to make it clear that he wasn't food. He group snuggles with all the others now. So cute!

I don't think his legs will ever be right, but that'll be fine. I appreciate how tough he is, and will be keeping him as a pet if he keeps on thriving like this. It might sound silly, but I think he recognizes me. Whenever I open the brooder to check up on him, he comes running to me and peeps. Every other chick in there utterly ignores me unless I'm putting out more feed!

Out of the six eggs that are left, one is pipped, two are peeping and one rocks every so often. So hopefully, I'll have more buttons by the end of my birthday tomorrow. My cots should be hatching after my birthday. I'm going to be up to my eyeballs in fuzz butts!
Glad to hear the gimpy one is doing better. Maybe you can call him Forrest Gimp. I am jealous. When I moved here to WA state from AZ I had to give away my buttons, blue scaled, bobwhite and coturnix quail. Also chickens, ducks, pheasants and doves. I now have 8 coturnix but can't find buttons. Guess I will have to hatch some next year.

Be sure to check their little butts.

My coturnix eggs are hatching now.

The first quail that hatched, had some yolk sac still attached. What do I do about that? I've left him alone and he seems to be doing okay, but I think the yolk sac leaked. I figure if he manages to survive, he might need more in terms of nutrition?

I did have a button quail hatch with the egg sac still attached, and it was a sad, wretched little thing that died within minutes. Grossed me right out, as I wasn't expecting a chick to hatch so under developed.

This cot chick looks good though. He's still warmed up in the incubator, but is the leaky yolk sac going to cause him any issues?

Three other cot eggs are rocking in the incubator, one I know is partially pipped. Looking forward to the rest hatching!

BTW this is the cot chick that hatched with the yolk still attached. I was very surprised with the amount of blood that came out with the chick. I don't think that is normal:

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Anyways...I tied off the yolk sac because he managed to rupture it with his feet. Gave him some sugar water, put on a bit of antibiotic gel and have him warmed up in the brooder (separate from the other chicks).

He opens his eyes and chirps, so maybe he'll be okay. I had two more hatch and they are perfect. The one with the ruptured yolk sac is much smaller than the others as well.

I doubt he'll live, but I will try to save him. The odds are stacked pretty high against him, and frankly I don't think he'll live past tonight. But at least I can say I tried. This entire hatching experience has taught me far more than I could have ever anticipated, come good or ill, I am grateful for the opportunity to experience it all.
Yes, I am interested in buttons. But due to the weather I might have to wait til spring. It has started snowing on the pass so getting to Seattle is going to be hard for me w/o studded tires. I hate to see winter coming and I miss the blue sky and sunshine of AZ.........


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