Quail sudden deaths


Sep 15, 2021
near Chicago, IL
Hi guys!

I’ve had quail for almost a year. We have 2 roosters and we did have 11 hens, but now we have 9. They are differing ages, the oldest ones being 1.1 years old and the others being between 2.5-5.5 months old.

The two youngest girls both have died seemingly with no warning. They were both only about 2.5 months old, had been laying eggs when we first got them but stopped when we moved them outside. Hadn’t started back up yet.

The one who died first died exactly a week ago. Maybe 2 weeks before she had seemed a little awkward and lethargic, but she had improved before dying.

The second one died today. Two or three weeks ago as well, we noticed she was having a hard time walking and was panting a lot. This only went on for like a day and then went away. They both died randomly without symptoms.

Checked them both over post death. Clear eyes, throats, noses, and vents.

A few days ago, the hen who died today pooped this strange orange poo. Some people said it was normal and could’ve been caused by stress as my roosters are starting to get their hormones again. But some suggested worms, cocci, even avian flu.

I’m attaching a photo of the poo. Can add pics of the quail themselves if requested. Any advice as to how they might’ve died is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!


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Those poops do not look normal to me.

What have you been feeding them?
How was their weight? Was their keel very prominent?
Were they getting enough calcium? You said their vents were clear, so I don't expect that to be the problem.
What is their setup like? Is it possible they flushed and hit their heads?

It sounds like they didn't have any other symptoms other than the one with difficulty walking. That could have been from a head injury, or it could have been something else.
Those poops do not look normal to me.

What have you been feeding them?
How was their weight? Was their keel very prominent?
Were they getting enough calcium? You said their vents were clear, so I don't expect that to be the problem.
What is their setup like? Is it possible they flushed and hit their heads?

It sounds like they didn't have any other symptoms other than the one with difficulty walking. That could have been from a head injury, or it could have been something else.
They’ve been eating just gamebird layer crumble, I think purina brand. No super prominent keel bone, but I definitely felt tiny ribs when holding them (when they were alive) and they were definitely skinnier than my others. I’ve got a few girls who are really fat. I hadn’t been giving them oyster shells because they weren’t laying, should I be giving them regardless? They have ceilings maybe 2.5 feet tall, I’ll attach a pic so you can see their setup. Someone did recommend cushioning the ceiling.

It’s just so strange because the symptoms they did have only lasted about a day and stopped weeks before they died, so I don’t know for sure if they’re related to the deaths, but I’m guessing it would be too much of a coincidence if they were?


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I would provide oyster shell on the side at all times. They will eat what they need.

Without a necropsy it's hard to be certain. You might want to send one of them in to your state's lab for one.

I suspect that they flushed and hit their heads, but that is just a guess.

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