Quality of Meyer's Hatcherys Blue Laced Red Wyandottes


12 Years
Nov 15, 2011
New Market, TN
I was thinking about ordering some blue laced red wyandottes from Meyer Hatchery. Has any one ordered these from them and what was the quality of them please.
Well just like any other hatchery bird they aren't the best show/breeder quality. If you want good show quality or breeder quality than you should buy from a breeder. But, if you just want egg layers or pets than that's fine
I've never ordered that breed before, but I have ordered Rhode Island Reds three times, Golden buffs twice, and Americaunas once and been very satisfied. Only once has there ever been a problem with chicks on delivery (postal service blunder, they delivered a small special order to my HOUSE instead of calling me so the chicks got chilled) but even though it wasn't Meyer's fault, they refunded me the money for every dead chick. Every other order I've had has been healthy and lively. I have Rhode Island Red hens from my very first order 4 years ago that still lay every day even in the winter.
I will be ordering some silver laced and blue laced red wyandottes this fall from Meyer (if they have them in stock) and try to remember to post pics of their feather coloring.
Only downside, is I don't have any breeders anywhere near me, and I don't have an incubator to hatch eggs (besides, hatch rates are AWFUL and eggs are way too pricey to be duds).

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