Question about coop floors.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
My husband is redoing part of our coop. The walls need to be replaced because of water damage. So he wants to put concrete down for the floor and have the walls up a little higher from the ground. I think it's a great idea, but I thought I read somewhere about concrete not being good for chickens' feet. Is that true? Let me know what you think.

i have never heard that, because you know how there are wild chickens/chicks walking down town in like hawaii for example and they walk on concrete. but just to be sure, if i were you i would put down straw or some sort of bedding like that on the bottom of the coop so that way you can still clean out the coop and just to be sure keep your chickens safe.
I've work with concrete/stone floors with sheep and horses. The chickens seem fine hoping through. But if it is a high traffic area then put done some horse matting. It makes for easier clean up and another layer before the pine shavings go on. I get it from tractor supply.
My coop is in the corner of our barn which has a concrete floor. I have about 6 inches of pine shavings down and plan to add more up to 10 inches for winter. Using the deep litter method. The chickens seem to be doing fine and there are no flies in the coop with DLM.

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