Question about drake

Miss Ducky

9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
Hello! I recently got four ducklings, two pekins and two khaki campbells. I already have three adult khaki campbells. The new guys are 4-6 weeks old, pretty much have all their adult feathers in, but are still a little bit small. I don't know their genders yet, but I'm thinking one of my pekins is probably a drake-his quack is much quieter than my other pekin. My question is, if he is a drake, will he compromise the safety of my khakis in mating since he's going to be so much bigger? I can give him back to the woman I got him from, but she's using her ducks for meat, so I'm a bit hesitant, but will if I'm going to have to worry about my girls. I have a super big pond they have full access to, if it helps. Thoughts?
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Any time there is a drake involved, there can be potential tragedies. The size difference can make it more risky but there are no guarantees either way.

If you are not wanting ducklings, give him back and just don't think about it. You and your girls will be much happier without the drake drama. I raise my ducks for meat. My birds have a good life until they go to the freezer. That is how I think about it.

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