Question about NPIP inspection.


8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
South Dakota
I am having my first NPIP inspection on Friday and I am wondering what they all look for. I spent about a full week about a month ago cleaning all the pens and I am going to tidy up the cages tomorrow. Anything else I should do? I can post a pic of what the pen looks like if needed.
Thanks for your help!

NPIP is a federal program for poultry. Although a Federal program in nature, each state is left to interpret it on its own.and so each state acts a little different. From what I know, and we are NPIP tested in Ohio, the program consists of swabbing for AI and blood testing. The number of birds tested variesf rom state to state as some states require all birds in the flock are tested and others require a certain % be test from each type of poultry and each area they are housed.

The program does not set requirements for how the birds are housed, how organized your area is or any of that so don't worry too much on that end. Now with that said, we all know from keeping birds, that good practices for cleanliness help stop disease and parasite spread.

This program is meant to ensure there is no active disease (of the types tested for) in your flock at this time and is good for 1 year at a time in Ohio.

I also tend to make sure everything looks good when they come, but it never gets too bad here so it is easily accomplished.
Also once your birds are tested , you are not supose to bring new birds on your place unless they have been tested also so you will need to keep up with that if you buy and sell, I know some folks don't abide by that rule but what good is a test if you don't take precautions?

I just mentioned this because i ran into some folks with tested flocks when i was looking for wee peas and both of them had just gotten in birds that were untested.. i did not buy anything from them.. not a good practice
Thanks for the replies!
A couple weeks ago they tested all my birds except the chicks, which is only 8 birds. I am glad that the inspection is not too hard to pass. Hopefully everything goes good tomorrow. Thanks again.

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