Question about Orange Guard

Hillbilly Hen

13 Years
Apr 11, 2009
Newaygo Michigan
I read about Orange Guard on BYC last spring and tried to find some at my local Ace. They did not carry it though. A couple of months ago I looked it up on the internet and got the order number. Finally stopped in last week to see if Ace could order it for me and they did! It will be in today hopefully. My question is will it get rid of mites or lice if you already have them or is it just a repellant? Do you spray it on the birds at all? I am thinking not since I read you are not supposed to put it directly on your dogs.
I am not sure about your questions really, though I have Orange Guard myself. I use it on roosts and walls and such but then I really do not have a bug problem so for me, I think it would be more preventative. No, you do not use it on the birds at all. I mostly use it only in the summer as it is amazing on flies. It will kill them and repel them so I generally spray walls and woodshavings for flies.
I know it kills termites, from experience.
Thanks. I picked up a gallon tonight and plan on using it this weekend when I clean the coop. I hope it is worth the 28 dollars I paid
I figure a gallon will go far.
I think Orange Guard kills every bug it comes in contact with. I used it to kill ticks in my coop last summer. I probably wouldn't spray it on my birds though. Good luck getting rid of your pests!
My only reservation and warning about the product is not to spray a lot on your coop in the heat of summer when bees are active (spray very early in the morning or the evening). The fragrance of Orange Guard drives bees crazy and I had a coop full of bees. Imagine my surprise when I walked into my coop to find thousands of bees inside.
Wow, I never had that happen! That sure wouldn't be good!
I only use Orange Guard when I do a complete coop clean out and let it air out for hours before replacing straw and shavings. I haven't seen any increase in bees when I did that, but maybe I didn't spray as much as you did, Gallo, and I don't recall if it was in summer or not. Good to know! I love the smell of Orange Guard and guess the bees do, too!
Yeah, I did a thorough spraying of the coop. It was pretty funny when I walked up to the coop and heard it humming. You'd think that would've stopped me from opening the door. They weren't aggressive since they were looking for food, but they did seem agitated that it smelled like food and yet none was to be found. I like the smell too. Now I use the Orange Guard to spray down my roosts once a week and I use it fairly sparingly. speckledhen, thanks again for telling me about this product. I really appreciated that.
Thanks y'all. I wish it was only 16.95 here. I opened the jug as soon as I got home and it does smell good. I don't think I have to worry about bees right now since we are already having freezing temps. Yesterday it was trying to snow. I plan on doing the complete clean out Saturday. Will be dusting the birds tonight. Hopefully the weather will be decent Saturday.

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