Question about switching to layer feed.


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
North Carolina
First of all--hi everyone! I haven't been around much lately. School, work, and chickens have been keeping me busy

My girls will be 16 weeks this weekend (my gosh, how did that happen?!) and I'm almost out of starter. I've got a bag of Layena, but am worried that it's still too soon. I don't want to buy another 50 lbs of starter if I don't need to, but the back of the bag of Layena says specifically not to feed before 18 weeks. Is 16 weeks too soon for it? I worry about their calcium intake being too high.

On the other hand, even though I have no experience with this, I swear my one Black Star looks like she's about to drop an egg any day now. Logically I know it's too soon, but I'm just getting this feeling. A feeling strong enough to have me (stupidly!) checking the nestboxes every day

Anyway, any help would be much appreciated!
I would switch to the Layena now, since you mentioned having black sex links. They will come into lay up to a month sooner than purebreds. I'd say once the calcium hits their systems, they'll start dropping eggs for you.
I was going to suggest you buy another bag and mix the two. My BSL started laying about 10 days ago and they are almost 19 weeks old. They've been on the layer feed for awhile now because of the older chickens. We always provide oyster shell, grit, scratch, fresh fruit and veggies, grass and then their feed. Sometimes they get yogurt with oats too. I don't think it's going to hurt them since it's getting so close.
Thanks for the help, guys! My one BSL began squatting randomly today, which kind of gave me my answer right there!
Nothing to add except, Hey!
Nice to see you back
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I would also suggest mixing the 2 start with something like a 75-25 blend then 50-50 than 25-75 untill your switched over or run out of the starter. If you switch too quick it could give them upset stomachs which means you get to clean up really stinky poo's
Can't you mix like some scratch with the layer to reduce the protein and keep them from coming into lay too soon?
I don't know, I'm just asking because I'd like to learn this too
when you switch to layer you should be lowering the protein from 20-24% down to 16% the protien isn't the problem its the extra calcium and such that is added to layer that real young chicks should not need yet

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