Question of the Day - Thursday, April 25th, 2024

I guess I don't understand what makes a college a "liberal arts" college.
They try to provide you with a well rounded education instead of focusing on STEM or art or business or whatever. The more hardcore ones don't offer regular degrees like teaching, they just give you a general studies or maybe a humanities degree.
They all are
I'm just gobsmacked at the concept of MIT, which is one of, if not THE most prestigious science and technology school in the world, being thought of as a liberal arts school. Yes, there is an arts college there, and yes, every NCAA school has to have some sort of lib arts content in the degree study curricula, but that is definitely not the focus of the school at all. That's like saying ASU isn't a party school with a straight face.
Yes. She’s very selective of which college is ok, and most don’t make the cut for the weirdest reasons.
I don't think that's a weird reason at all. Look at what is currently happening at a lot of colleges around the country. Shameful
Put me in the "I wanted to be a veterinarian" camp. Glad now the nuns told me I couldn't. I ended up teaching basic dog obedience at a local community college for close to 20 years instead which didn't make me much money but was an absolute blast and made me a local celebrity of sorts. I would never have been happy scraping teeth, doing spays/neuters, repairing car impacts and especially euthanizing pets. Training/ teaching was the joy of my life, very satisfying and fulfilling.

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