question on broad breasted turkeys


8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
Roanoke VA
my understanding is that they ARE a true breed, but because of their size, the toms can not breed naturally... is that correct?

I'm contemplating keeping the BB White girl (the boys are already named for their respective holidays) and seeing if I can breed her with a heritage-type tom in the spring.

has anyone done this? how did it work?

the turkeys in question are not penned and fed an all-you-can-eat buffet, but free range with their broody momma (a bantam cochin!) and their chicken-siblings, so they are not growing as fast as their full potential I think.

this pic was taken last Friday 6.13.14, and the poults were hatched the first week of May.
(TurkeyMomma is the one on the left giving my husband that 'look' because he's holding one of her babies.)

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