Question on letting rigor pass


9 Years
May 5, 2010
SE Minnesota
So I was thinking about this the past I have let the chickens sit in a cooler or fridge for a few days and then vacuumed sealed and froze. I know that some people seal them and then let them sit for a couple days. Is there a correct way to do this? My thinking is that sealing before letting them sit would not let the oxygen get to them and assist in the rigor passing. What is everyones take on this?
I don't have an opinion on your theory re:air, but I have an opinion that my chickens taste consistently better if I wait until after the rigor has passed to freeze them, which usually just means I don't put them directly in the freezer anymore. I let them rest for about 6-8 hours either in ice water or the refrigerator. I used to freeze them right away and found the meat was somewhat "inconsistent". My brother suggested the resting idea. I had noticed that some birds seemed to rigor much faster and harder than others so I figured he could be on to something about the rigor affecting the consistency, and it seems he was right.

Don't tell him I said he was right.
Although I've never tried resting after sealing, I would agree with you. I've always been of the mind that your goal is to promote biotic activity to a degree in order to assist with enzymatic break down of collagen and other "stiff" stuff, something akin to dry-aging beef. So, I guess I just always assumed that unsealed, "dry" aging was best.
What I've read and do suggests aging chicken if of no significant value. One rigor mortis has passed, there is not significant benefit to "age" chicken meat. Sooooo, I butcher, seal, rest over night, freeze. Works for me and the wife.

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