Question regarding a Anti-Diarrhea product i was sold


Mar 8, 2024
Dutch Caribbean
Hi hi, if you're reading this i just wanna say im thankful you took the time to do so. Im fairly new to all this so i hope to do it right. (Personal intro to follow.)

For now i just wanted to ask about this product i was sold, as ive read somewhat different things on it online about it. I was just curious, is there an egg withdrawal period associated with these ingredients? Picture attached

Ive read anything from 2 weeks to 3 days but wanted to get any type of guidance i could.


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Hi hi, if you're reading this i just wanna say im thankful you took the time to do so. Im fairly new to all this so i hope to do it right.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

How old are your birds and what makes you thing they have diarrhea?

Have they been wormed or checked for parasites.. which can be one cause..

Is it warm in your location.. excess drinking of water can be another cause.. all urates (pee) pass with the droppings.

In other words if you haven't determined the cause.. it might not be wise to throw things that prevent symptoms or maybe even cause more issues.

This link has specific withdrawal time recommendations based off which drug is in question..
Welcome to BYC! :frow

How old are your birds and what makes you thing they have diarrhea?

Have they been wormed or checked for parasites.. which can be one cause..

Is it warm in your location.. excess drinking of water can be another cause.. all urates (pee) pass with the droppings.

In other words if you haven't determined the cause.. it might not be wise to throw things that prevent symptoms or maybe even cause more issues.

This link has specific withdrawal time recommendations based off which drug is in question..

Thank you so much for the answer!

They're just recently a year old. I started noticing darker and more watery feces, and based on my reading online concluded it could potentially be coccidiosis. I asked around and couldn't find anything for that specifically, so after consulting with an employee of a pet store bought the product i posted above.

Besides the feces i also noticed consistent blood on some of the eggs, 'lazyness' you could say, and some have passed.

Where i am is warm, never really moving beyond 28 celcius at night and 30-32 in the day.
They also have constant access to water

_all urates (pee) pass with the droppings._
This part i did not understand what you mean.(not a native english speaker)

I have since gotten ahold of Corid and am om day 2 of Treating them.

I Have also spoken to a Vet clinic and they have informed me they can test their fecal matter for me. Based on how the Corid goes I will continue with them!

_all urates (pee) pass with the droppings._
This part i did not understand what you mean.(not a native english speaker)
The hotter the weather the more they drink the more watery (diarrhea) the feces. Urine passes with feces not separately.

i also noticed consistent blood on some of the eggs, 'lazyness' you could say, and some have passed.
Often caused by too large of egg size for the hen laying it, some blood vessels burst as it passes through the vent . Too large of egg to pass is known as egg bound and is deadly usually within about 48 hours.

Most birds at nearly a year old will have developed natural resistance to the coccidia in their own gut and environment.. unless they are recent additions possibly being exposed to new strains. Only one or two of 9-11 strains currently known to effect poultry may appear as blood in droppings.. then it's usually a large amount. Some intestinal shedding is always taken place and may look *slightly* similar to a small amount of blood. Do they have any symptoms like going off feed, standing around with ruffled feathers, lethargy (sleepiness),

I Have also spoken to a Vet clinic and they have informed me they can test their fecal matter for me.
That's a great option to have!
I have noticed that they are eating less, the container i usually fill daily can now go to almost 2 whole days.

The one i saw die did look sleepy and so i removed it from the rest. It died soon after.

Will continue to look and see if i spot anything else. Thanks again
Welcome to BYC. What is your general location? The anti-diarrhea medication is Neomycin and gentimycin 2 antibiotics that treat E.coli, and kaopectate for diarrhea. Diarrhea is sometimes due to drinking excessive amounts of water, worms, bacterial enteritis, coccidiosis, or something else. Getting a fecal float would be the wisest thing to do before starting all of the medications. I would try to single out a particular chicken who seems ill or has symptoms, rather that treat all chickens. Corid, though should probably be used on everyone if there is coccidiosis. That usually is seen in younger chickens unless, it has been a chronic problem. So hopefully, they will improve. Probiotics should be given once all meds are done. Plain Greek yogurt has some, but a commercial probiotic for chickens would have more.
Sorry for writing back so late. I am in the Dutch Caribbean, and its a pretty warm, dry place with the very rare rainy day.

As it turns out it was worms! (see image attached)
WhatsApp Image 2024-04-07 at 7.11.57 AM.jpeg

I got so excited to have found the cause, I went to the vet immediately to get some Dewormer.

However, I did not look up specifically what it was that I was sold, and I only looked it up after already giving them. When I did look it up (Baycox), it felt like I had made a mistake in giving it to them.

From what I am reading there is no study done on the long term residual drug left in the egg. I have also seen specific warnings not to feed to chickens producing eggs for human consumption. I feel defeated in a big way, I do not want my Hens to live an uncomfortable life. I just want this all to be over.

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