question regarding feeding chickens to avoid mice

thanks, I was curious to hear peoples experience with this method of rodent control. Everything was pretty good until I tried to leave the hanging feeder available in the run. The entire run is covered in 1/4 " hardware cloth top bottom and two feet around the perimeter underground and they still got in. I can not find a hole anywhere big enough for them to breach. I guess where there's a will there will be a way. At least it's only mice at this point and not rats or worse.
thanks, I was curious to hear peoples experience with this method of rodent control. Everything was pretty good until I tried to leave the hanging feeder available in the run. The entire run is covered in 1/4 " hardware cloth top bottom and two feet around the perimeter underground and they still got in. I can not find a hole anywhere big enough for them to breach. I guess where there's a will there will be a way. At least it's only mice at this point and not rats or worse.
Do you have deep bedding in there?
If so rake around the edges of the bedding...dig down some and see if the mice have a secret tunnel.
not deep liter, filled with dirt, sand and mulch. Looked for tunnels without luck already.
found some droppings in my storage area of the coop even though there is no food laying around. All food kept in sealed dog food containers, possibly a few crumbs but I am good about cleaning. Surprised that I have caught three mice in three days in my traps.
It doesn't matter when you feed them. I feed mine after work 5-6 pm.

How does that work? If I were to try and do that, half the year they'd already be on the roost by the time they were fed.

I guess where there's a will there will be a way. At least it's only mice at this point and not rats or worse.

Pretty much, when it comes to rodents. Thankfully the local mice stay out of my run but I used to get rats coming after the feed, and they're so much more clever and hard to trap.

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