Questions on getting chickens to move to a new coop


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
I built an add on to my coop this year. I have an 8x8 coop with a 26x8 run and built a 6x6 coop with 18x6 run next to my other coop. there is a door that I can leave open or shut between the 2 runs. It has been open and they all use both parts of the run but only one (maybe 2) go in the other coop to lay in a box I put just inside the door. Noone goes in there to sleep. I want to try to move the younger girls over to the new coop, they are between 9-29 weeks and have all lived and run around together so that part is fine. I am thinking I should go out at night and move them to the new coop and shut the door between the runs, so they can't get back to the main coop. How long should I leave the door between them shut before trying to open it so they all can have access to both runs/coops but hopefully the younger ones will learn to go into the new coop to sleep?

I work during the day and my biggest fear is them freaking out and trying to get back to the other side of the run and jumping at the HWC between them and hurting themselves.......

any ideas or suggestions welcome. I can try to get a pic of the full set up tomorrow sometime.
I am thinking I should go out at night and move them to the new coop and shut the door between the runs, so they can't get back to the main coop.
I work during the day and my biggest fear is them freaking out and trying to get back to the other side of the run and jumping at the HWC between them and hurting themselves.......

Yes, that should work. If you do it when you can be home the next day (a weekend or a day off from work), you can see what they do in the evening. It may turn out to be no big deal (they just go into the new coop), or they may make a big fuss and finally settle down to sleep on the ground in the run, trying to be as close as possible to the old coop.)

Depending on what you see, you can decide whether you have try something else.

If they try to sleep in the wrong place, you can shut them in the new coop all the time (day and night) for several days, or until the next day you can be home at sundown. Shutting them in the coop means they cannot sleep anywhere else, and tends to be a good way to force chickens into new habits.

How long should I leave the door between them shut before trying to open it so they all can have access to both runs/coops but hopefully the younger ones will learn to go into the new coop to sleep?
I don't know for sure. I would think at least a week, but it could be less or more.
Since you are dealing with a work schedule that keeps you away from home at roosting time, I would say to maybe make changes when you can be home to see the effects.

So you could try leaving the run door open when you can next be home to see what they do. Or you could just pick some length of time, leave the door open one day when you go to work, and check after you get home to see where they are. If they are in the wrong place, move them back, shut the door, and wait longer before trying again.
Yes, that should work. If you do it when you can be home the next day (a weekend or a day off from work), you can see what they do in the evening. It may turn out to be no big deal (they just go into the new coop), or they may make a big fuss and finally settle down to sleep on the ground in the run, trying to be as close as possible to the old coop.)

Depending on what you see, you can decide whether you have try something else.

If they try to sleep in the wrong place, you can shut them in the new coop all the time (day and night) for several days, or until the next day you can be home at sundown. Shutting them in the coop means they cannot sleep anywhere else, and tends to be a good way to force chickens into new habits.

I don't know for sure. I would think at least a week, but it could be less or more.
Since you are dealing with a work schedule that keeps you away from home at roosting time, I would say to maybe make changes when you can be home to see the effects.

So you could try leaving the run door open when you can next be home to see what they do. Or you could just pick some length of time, leave the door open one day when you go to work, and check after you get home to see where they are. If they are in the wrong place, move them back, shut the door, and wait longer before trying again.
Thanks. Oops think I worded that wrong. Thankfully I am home for their "bedtime" every day so I can shove them in the new coop each night. I just worry while i am at work during the day they are going to freak out with the door shut between the runs and jump into the HWC that is between them and hurt themselves. Think maybe I will try Fri night. It is stupid that I am so worried to try that I am going to freak them out. Hopefully my one that is still laying will continue to lay but most likely she will stop for a bit. :(

The only thing on the new coop that I had to do was put my people door outside of my run (it is a walk in coop). My first coop the people door is next to the chicken door so if I need to do anything with them like put them in the coop at night from the run etc. I can easily do it with out leaving the run. The new coop has a big stump in the run that we left in there for them that makes it that we couldn't do the door there. So for me to get them from the run to the coop I need to leave the run and walk around the coop to the people door. Or just shove them in the chicken door! haahaa. I have automatic chicken doors on both runs so I dont' have to close or open them, but can manually close them or open if need be.
Thanks. Oops think I worded that wrong. Thankfully I am home for their "bedtime" every day so I can shove them in the new coop each night. I just worry while i am at work during the day they are going to freak out with the door shut between the runs and jump into the HWC that is between them and hurt themselves. Think maybe I will try Fri night. It is stupid that I am so worried to try that I am going to freak them out. Hopefully my one that is still laying will continue to lay but most likely she will stop for a bit.
In that case, I don't think it will be a big problem.

In my experience, chickens almost never run into hardware cloth and hurt themselves unless they have a really strong reason (like running away from a predator, or on rare occasions running away from a bullying hen.)

If they just want to get through and are not panicking, they will typically pace back and forth looking for an opening, and that does not cause any injuries.

Yes, trying it friday night, if you can be home saturday, should be a good way to see how they do.

for me to get them from the run to the coop I need to leave the run and walk around the coop to the people door. Or just shove them in the chicken door! haahaa.
I would probably shove them through the chicken door in that case: it might help teach them that they are supposed to go in that way, not wait for you to pick them up and carry them around to the other door. Or it might not make any difference for the chickens, but save you some walking around and opening/closing gates and doors.
In that case, I don't think it will be a big problem.

In my experience, chickens almost never run into hardware cloth and hurt themselves unless they have a really strong reason (like running away from a predator, or on rare occasions running away from a bullying hen.)

If they just want to get through and are not panicking, they will typically pace back and forth looking for an opening, and that does not cause any injuries.

Yes, trying it friday night, if you can be home saturday, should be a good way to see how they do.

I would probably shove them through the chicken door in that case: it might help teach them that they are supposed to go in that way, not wait for you to pick them up and carry them around to the other door. Or it might not make any difference for the chickens, but save you some walking around and opening/closing gates and doors.
Thank you.
Well I moved most of them. a few of them were under the roost bar on the poop board directly under my roo and with the fits they were throwing I knew he would freak and bit me if not attack (which I couldn't blame him since it was dark and they were freaking out) so I left those, then one girl freaked and jumped up on the roost next to him...... But the rest are in there. I feel so bad. They all seemed so scared. :( Hopefully the next few days (week probably) go fairly smooth and they are ok in the run not being able to get to the other side or other coop. I am sure at dusk the next few nights at least I will need to put them in but guess we see how this goes and if once I open the door between the runs if any go back to the main coop or if they stay in the new coop.

NOW my problem will be getting to the other run to get eggs, make sure that side has food and fresh water with out anyone running through the doors.... I should have at least put a gate up at the door so it was easier to get through with out someone running in/out but I didn't think of that and they will be up before I am...... OOPS! Will have to try to sneak in then put a gate up so at least they have to jump OVER the gate to get into the other side of the run from where I want them. LOL

fingers crossed for a smooth transition. at least the ONE girl that i know for sure was laying is the one that jumped up next to my roo so hopefully it won't disturb her laying. I think one other one laid ONE egg on Sept 9 and hasn't laid again since which is odd. I had one of my first chickens that laid then nothing for like a week then laid her 2nd egg but a month???? She is healthy and acting normal. She is 29 weeks but a brahma and days are getting shorter so not strange she hasn't laid just strange I got 1 egg then nothing...... The others haven't started yet but are getting close with a couple of them I think...... so guess we see how this goes.
Here are some pictures of my 2 runs and how they are set up.


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I put a light on inside the coop when it was still light out but getting close to dusk and they all put themselves in there on their own tonight! May try the light again tomorrow and then no light on Tue and see how they do with putting themselves in. They are still trying to get to the other side of the run or I guess I should say looking in there like they want to get in. Guess I see how they do this week then open the door over the weekend and see where they go to bed when they have the choice of the 2?
Use the light in the coop at dusk and leave it on for an hour when it's dark outside. If you do this for a week you will train them to use it.

Your run looks so bare. Are you going to put a tarp on the new one when winter spring comes?

Looks good though.
Use the light in the coop at dusk and leave it on for an hour when it's dark outside. If you do this for a week you will train them to use it.

Your run looks so bare. Are you going to put a tarp on the new one when winter spring comes?

Looks good though.
my run looks bare? There are about 3-4 parts of trees that they can roost on etc that I move around and they get the bugs under them, other peices of wood to run behind/roost on, the swing, a chair that is upside down that they roost on and go under, 2 milk crates with a long 2x4 to sit on...... I am guessing you are talking about the 10x8 uncovered part that is more open? the chair was in there but the younger ones mostly used it so I moved it into the new 18x6 run so they had something familiar that they liked in their new spot for now.

the new 18x6 run has a metal roof. The old run has a 10x8 with no roof just HWC and that won't be covered, then there is 8x8 that has a roof and 8x8 that is under the coop. so they have lots of roofed area to go and enjoyed the uncovered part last year unless there was snow in that part.

I had the light on today and they went in on their own, just want to see how they do after a couple days of that if I need to then I will keep turning it on, but try to have it off before it is pitch black out there so it doesn't go from light to pitch black all at once.

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