Quick!! How loud is a guinea hen compared to a small (like OEGB) bantam roo?

The guineas might adjust to usual sounds in the area, but anything new (clouds floating overhead, leaves falling, the UPS delivery truck, overactive children, carrying shovels to the garden..., LOL) is likely to set them off. If they are free-ranging, they'll roam over to the neighbors' property and make their alarm calls there. The neighbors may not mind though. Just tell them about the finer qualities of guineas: alarm sounds, tick control, etc. They may especially like the tick control on behalf of their goats. But if the neighborhood dogs aren't penned, and they eat chickens, they'll attack guineas. Dogs are considered predators and guineas are prey animals, and while guineas great for making noise, they don't defend themselves well, or at all, against predators. The good news is guineas are usually quiet at night, but not always.

Garage bands don't roam, guineas do, LOL, but if it's a showdown between the noise of a garage band and the birds I think the birds will lose. It's just A LOT easier to re-home birds than it is rock and roll bands. Go figure.

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