Quirky OEGB


Nov 5, 2022
South Louisiana
I have a super cute spangled OEGB..She acts more like a pet,flies to your shoulder,tattles on other birds,fusses at people. She raised a clutch with zero of her owneggs fromendof December untilabout 3 weeks ago.I brought her intothe cat room one night when she did not seem to feel well.

The cat roomis aroomfor the indoor/outdoor cats, small cat door, furniture for the cats, brooder setup..

Anyway, she has started a new clutch, i went tochange the bedding for the chicks coming the last week of march, found 2 buried eggs,one still warm..she had been onthe outside sill.she has never been inor out of the cat window/door..but she obviously has found it..then i saw her in here checking on them later rebury and left.. shes interesting
She snubs my originalrooster but ive witnessed the cockerel she raised and god forbid the jubilee orpington


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