Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Hello all! Felt like gloating a bit with a life update on me. It's been 415 days since I left the life of a 2 pack a day smoker; still smoke occasionally, but a pack lasts me a week or more some times, still trying to achieve zero packs. A couple of years ago I took 22 pills a day for the various issues I had. High cholesterol, Lyme disease, Narcolepsy and sever migraines. For the past 6 years I have had one degree or another of some type of headache every single day; I learned to live with the pain. A few dietary changes and changes in life and dealing with stress has helped me change things around for the better. I had been reading the benefits of Lavender oil for headache relief. I purchased some a month ago and made a small bottle of roll on for my temples. After using 3-4 times a day, it is now 15 days that I have not had even a small headache. So, I definitely believe in the benefits of this oil. I am very excited to see what else is there. I also feel the lavender oil has helped with the bouts of narcolepsy that I have as well, I have read that lavender helps with alertness. So for the past 2 weeks I have stopped taking the Adderall the Dr. had me on and am now completely drug free; I have not had any bouts. Well, still take my daily aspirin, probably always will. Wife and I had most of garden planted last week, Had to rush around last night due to Northeast Ohio snow and Frost warnings to get everything covered. Then woke up early to get uncovered because today is supposed to be hot and I didn't want to bake the seedlings while I was at work today. Well, that's about it for now, back to work. keep up the great Quotes, love it.
:thumbsup keep up the good work!
Hello all! Felt like gloating a bit with a life update on me. It's been 415 days since I left the life of a 2 pack a day smoker; still smoke occasionally, but a pack lasts me a week or more some times, still trying to achieve zero packs. A couple of years ago I took 22 pills a day for the various issues I had. High cholesterol, Lyme disease, Narcolepsy and sever migraines. For the past 6 years I have had one degree or another of some type of headache every single day; I learned to live with the pain. A few dietary changes and changes in life and dealing with stress has helped me change things around for the better. I had been reading the benefits of Lavender oil for headache relief. I purchased some a month ago and made a small bottle of roll on for my temples. After using 3-4 times a day, it is now 15 days that I have not had even a small headache. So, I definitely believe in the benefits of this oil. I am very excited to see what else is there. I also feel the lavender oil has helped with the bouts of narcolepsy that I have as well, I have read that lavender helps with alertness. So for the past 2 weeks I have stopped taking the Adderall the Dr. had me on and am now completely drug free; I have not had any bouts. Well, still take my daily aspirin, probably always will. Wife and I had most of garden planted last week, Had to rush around last night due to Northeast Ohio snow and Frost warnings to get everything covered. Then woke up early to get uncovered because today is supposed to be hot and I didn't want to bake the seedlings while I was at work today. Well, that's about it for now, back to work. keep up the great Quotes, love it.
Hey stranger! Good to see you and glad to hear you're doing so much better!

poor baby.
Oh, I'm always here, nearly everyday; don't always speak up, but I'm here. This is my favorite thread. Plus I hate falling behind here, everyone makes it so hard to catch up.

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