Quotes and Thoughts for the Day


Here is the email I got this evening from my daughter!! So thankful!!

Soooo I went in around 2pm today expecting to stay the night and instead it is 7:45pm and we are home... ALL of us are home!!!!
The surgeons said he was doing great so they wanted to release him. The oncologist were unsure at first but they said he is low risk (which is GREAT) and pathology might not be back for several days, so we should go home so he can rest up and try to get back to normal. He has oral pain medicine for the surgery recovery, but his only limitations are no hard physical activity for a few weeks while his abdomen recovers.
Also fantastic news is that oncology told us his chemo and maybe even radiation should all be out-patient procedures, so no more hospitals. We don't know the full plan yet but that is their thinking for now. He will have to be careful when he runs a fever, but they assured me that they want him back to normal life as soon as possible.
Our hearts are so full tonight!!! We know there is still a long road ahead but 5 days ago, we did not see ourselves at home with both babies :).

Thank you again for your prayers and thoughts. Please continue to pray that the tests all come back clear, the treatment plan will accomplish all it is suppose to and that Kyle will be cancer free soon. God is able!

Yay! How wonderful!

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