Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

For those that post here in this site.

Just because chickens sneeze and wheeze doesnt mean that culling the whole flock. It doesnt even mean to cull that particular chick or chicken. We have had chickens sneeze and wheeze off and on for a while. The main thing is make sure its not dust or such that clogs their nostrils. Also always listen to the lungs of the chick or chicken. If it is in the lungs get denagaurd and add 1/2 cap full to each gallon of water and change daily. If the case if severe add Tylan and VetRx twice a day for 3 to 5 days.We have saved lots of birds by paying attention to their symptoms. If you cull just because they sneeze you really ought not to raise chickens until you are further knowledgeable about what to do, how to do, and when to do.

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