R.I.P Little girl <3 :(


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
La Crosse, WI
So tonight I got home late. I went to my chickens run and there lay Little Girl, my darling EE. Dead. Her head stuck out at an odd angle, i can tell her neck was broken. By my rooster or something else. It is under two months until her first birthday. It breaks my heart that she didnt make it a year with her sisters.

Chicken farmers? They dont care* when one of their birds winds up dead. But me? Oh, I care* alright. My birds arent my money makers, they are my PETS, my BABIES. I raised all seven of them from golf-ball sized fuzz balls. I was their mother then, and I am now. We formed a bond when they were just a day old. Little Girl? She was always my favorite. Always wanted to run and see me, always wanted to be petted. She made the cutest little sounds of surprise when you picked her up, and whenever i had a bad day at school i would march donw to the coop, scoop her up, and hug her close. She didnt mind. She didnt struggle.

Could the chickens that I DONT like be taken away? My psychotic RIR? My brothers BO? Ones I didnt care this much about? NOOOO. Life dont work that way.
So now I sit, bawling my eyes out. No one in my house has said "Im sorry" or given me a hug. I can tell what their thinking: "Its just a chicken, right?"

Rest In Piece honeybear. I will see you again someday.



**edited for language**
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NOO!! I'm sorry

I feel your pain. I just had one killed by my other ones too. My parent's told me "It's just a bird, get over it." HOW COULD I? I raised it from an EGG!!!
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No she was not just a chicken, she was your Little Girl. No chicken is just a chicken, they all have characters behaviors and souls.

RIP Little Girl.

Hey you, stay strong, its going to be alright, really, she is up there somewhere and will be watching you for the rest of your life like you watched her.

Never forget that you gave her a very good life that no chicken farmer can give and at least she saw the world through your eyes, so lucky. Billions of her kind never get outside of a cage and never even think that a world exists because they know no world. Be glad for the gift she gave you, a little memory treasure of 10 months that you will never forget.
I know how it feels to loose your favorites, the same thing always seems to happen in my flock. : ( I hope that you feel better soon, and that maybe someday you'll find another favorite who also likes to snuggle.
I recently lost two of my favorites....they were the favorites of my nearly-6-year-old granddaughter too. I get furious hearing the words "It's JUST a chicken". That is not the case, and I know just how you feel. I hope that knowing there are those of us who share this loss with you, will help make it easier. We understand, when many others don't. Their loss, as far as I can see. We have that special level of emotion shared with our chickens, and no one can touch that. And the ones that don't have that are truly missing something special.
Lou Nell in Texas

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