Rabbit hutches on the run?


8 Years
Mar 7, 2016
Virginia, USA
I know next to nothing about rabbits except they're tasty. I want to raise some eventually, but I have limited space, so does anyone know of problems I could have keeping them in the run with my birds? I have 5 hens, 2 golden comets 2 Plymouth rocks, and one orpington. Thanks!
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I would suggest Storeys Guide to Raising Rabbits. Its very informative. Rabbits are pretty easy to care for and breed as long as you have a proper place for them to live. The size of the hutch you need will depend largely on the breed you choose so be sure you research before you buy. Be sure to get good breeders...and be sure they are the opposite sex. I know of someone who made this mistake. Was truly humorous.
Rabbits poop....a lot.

I personally want my hens to not be walking in bunny poo.

I think you can do it with proper planning and manure management.

Rabbit poop is great for the garden and does not burn plants-can be applied straight to the soil fresh outta the bunny butts. So, if you garden you might be motivated to keep them somewhat contained at least part of the time to collect the poops.
I tried keeping rabbits in the 10x24 "barn" I built for my chickens and peafowl. Dust became an impossible problem. Outside in a run would work where the wind would aid in keeping sinus infections near zero.
I built a separate cage for my rabbits out if 2x4s from pallets and a couple of 4x4s and hardware clothe. My suggestion is keep them separate rabbits poop a lot I have 2 female in 4ft by 4ft pin and let’s just say the grass is really green under their cage.
When I had rabbits my chickens went directly under the cages and scratched through the Rabbit Poo because of all the insects that were feeding off the rabbit Poo. They also eat any spilt rabbit feed. and worms seems to make their way into rabbit poo. I want my chickens scratching through that. Rabbit Poo is great at building a food chain for foraging chickens.

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