Rabbit pregnancy question?


11 Years
Jul 28, 2008
Colorado Springs
I adopted a female rabbit about 2 weeks ago. I was told she was kept separate from any males, so when I got her home I didn't think twice about putting her in a hutch with my other female AWAY from my male. The other day I went out to feed and water them and we were having record low temps in the 20's and I found 6 dead babies on the wire. There was an enclosed area where she could have had them, but no nest box. Apparently I was lied to! Anyway, now I am worried because I have read that rabbits can carry two separate litters at a time and I don't want this to happen again. What are the chances that she could have another litter if she was with a male? This is all very upsetting to me so any help would be greatly appreciated!
She will have another litter if you put her with another male. But if you don't she won't.

She probably would do fine with another litter. She was nervous due to the other rabbit being there, and no nest box or nesting material. A second litter would probably be fine.
A second litter will not happen like that.
the way to get a second litter out of a doe with kits, is to breed her again when the babys are 2 weeks old bringing in a new kindle when first litter is 6 weeks old.
unless you breed her now she will not have another litter.

the double pregnancy is a rare happening. usually the original litter will drain the protein from a second concieved litter and the mothers body will absorb the ones passed away.
rabbits have 2 uterian horns one on each side of the body, rarely will both have kits of different gestations.
Thank you so much for clearing this up! We don't want babies and everything I read makes it seem as though the two litters at once is the norm.

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