Raccoon attacked Goose


7 Years
Dec 12, 2016
3 this morning I attempted to rescue my goose from what I believe was a coon attack. It tried to pull him through the fence and I thought he was already dead when I reached him, but he was still trying to survive. I brought him in the house and this morning he was back on his feet and honking when I called his name, but he seems blind. He's just under a year old and hasn't lost the will to survive, but I don't know how to help him. The feed store sold me a sulphur ointment to dress his wounds and suggested amoxicillin which I have for fish, but don't know how much to give him. I hope once the swelling goes down he may get some vision back. If not does anyone have advice for how to care for a blind goose? Also would love advice on how to better care for his wounds. Thanks.


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O no! I'm so sorry you have to go through this! Maybe the eyesight is not completely lost.
Do you have any idea about the severity of the wounds?
Try to clean the wounds as good as you can! Especially to keep away an infection. With my ducks I would add iodine ointment on the wounds. However Goose might need something different.
I'm so so sorry for your goose!

@Jenbirdee, @Goosebaby Would you be so kind to assist?
3 this morning I attempted to rescue my goose from what I believe was a coon attack. It tried to pull him through the fence and I thought he was already dead when I reached him, but he was still trying to survive. I brought him in the house and this morning he was back on his feet and honking when I called his name, but he seems blind. He's just under a year old and hasn't lost the will to survive, but I don't know how to help him. The feed store sold me a sulphur ointment to dress his wounds and suggested amoxicillin which I have for fish, but don't know how much to give him. I hope once the swelling goes down he may get some vision back. If not does anyone have advice for how to care for a blind goose? Also would love advice on how to better care for his wounds. Thanks.
How horrible!

What‘s the milligram dosage of the amoxicillin? what breed of goose is he? or Is he a heavy weight breed like an embden or a light weight breed like a Roman or somewhere in between?

typical dosage for amoxicillin is 50mg per pound twice a day for 7 to 10 days.
I would definitely put him on it, predators have dirty mouths.

are both eyes damaged? Can you look at them closely if he’ll tolerate it? He may not react to much if he’s in shock but if you shine a light on his eyes his pupils should contract if the eye(s) are undamaged and he doesn’t have nervous system trauma. If one or both eyes have damage I can’t say if theyll recover or not, sometimes if there’s severe enough damage infection will fester and the eye will need to be removed by a vet.
So he’s probably around 10 to 12 pounds, so about 500 mg of amoxicillin every 12 hours..
Thank you so much. He's still honking so I'm still hopeful.

Last night I caught one coon in a live trap and shot 2. The biggest one sauntered off when I didn't have my rifle.so hopefully I can catch that one tonight. I know more will move in so killing or relocating them isn't a solution, but this time it's personal. These were the first geese I hatched. No egg turner so I was getting up at two am to turn the eggs. Come home from work and take them out and mist them to cool them down. Hatched them in an attempt to keep.my sanity while my mother was on hospice.

They're much more than just geese so these coons made a HUGE mistake.
Thank you so much. He's still honking so I'm still hopeful.

Last night I caught one coon in a live trap and shot 2. The biggest one sauntered off when I didn't have my rifle.so hopefully I can catch that one tonight. I know more will move in so killing or relocating them isn't a solution, but this time it's personal. These were the first geese I hatched. No egg turner so I was getting up at two am to turn the eggs. Come home from work and take them out and mist them to cool them down. Hatched them in an attempt to keep.my sanity while my mother was on hospice.

They're much more than just geese so these coons made a HUGE mistake.
I was just going to ask how your goose was today! Do you see any improvement?
Thank you so much. He's still honking so I'm still hopeful.

Last night I caught one coon in a live trap and shot 2. The biggest one sauntered off when I didn't have my rifle.so hopefully I can catch that one tonight. I know more will move in so killing or relocating them isn't a solution, but this time it's personal. These were the first geese I hatched. No egg turner so I was getting up at two am to turn the eggs. Come home from work and take them out and mist them to cool them down. Hatched them in an attempt to keep.my sanity while my mother was on hospice.

They're much more than just geese so these coons made a HUGE mistake.
I don’t blame you, they attacked your feather babies.

New raccoons may show up but killing these ones is the right thing to do. Raccoons are highly intelligent, adaptable, and very individualistic, but they’re like bears and rats in a sense, that once they learn something is easy they’ll keep doing it and these ones are now attacking your birds, so they’ll keep doing it.
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No yet. I have seen him aiming for greens and getting water. This morning I noticed some swelling in one leg, but at least he is still alive and hobbling around
What a fighter he is! So you don't know more about the eye situation yet.... Pff must be hard on you... Thank you for the update! please let us know how things develop ☺️

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