Raccoons won't leave


13 Years
May 8, 2011
I still have raccoons prowling feet from my duck enclosures, despite having lights on and a podcast running pretty loudly on an outdoor speaker to make it appear that there's people nearby. My bedroom window is right there and I have ring cameras. That's how I’m aware of the raccoons - I have to keep checking on the ducks.

My ducks’ enclosures are dog kennels that are modified to be relatively predator proof, but if a predator wants in, it'll get in. It'll find a weak spot. That happened a few years ago and I'm terrified of it happening again. I only had muscovies at the time (they can't quack to alert me) so sadly I found out right after the raccoon had already killed my duck Inka and was leaving.

What can I do? Would wrapping electric fencing around the bottom of the enclosures work? That's the only thing I can think of.
I used live traps years ago but surely it just means more raccoons move into the area to replace the ones that I relocated? In my yard I have a large pond and woods, plus neighboring ponds and woods...so that's always going to attract raccoons I think.

Looking at my ring cam, I discovered the raccoon was eating cracked corn that my free range ducks hadn't eaten. So removing corn will probably help some, but I don't think it's a solution.
I used live traps years ago but surely it just means more raccoons move into the area to replace the ones that I relocated? In my yard I have a large pond and woods, plus neighboring ponds and woods...so that's always going to attract raccoons I think.

Looking at my ring cam, I discovered the raccoon was eating cracked corn that my free range ducks hadn't eaten. So removing corn will probably help some, but I don't think it's a solution.
I have the same situation. Yes you might get a few but eventually I've found that you will thin them out quite a bit. I've had feral cats,racoons,opposums even had otters take ducks on the water. The only predator that I've not been able to deal with is horned owls.


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I used live traps years ago but surely it just means more raccoons move into the area to replace the ones that I relocated? In my yard I have a large pond and woods, plus neighboring ponds and woods...so that's always going to attract raccoons I think.

Looking at my ring cam, I discovered the raccoon was eating cracked corn that my free range ducks hadn't eaten. So removing corn will probably help some, but I don't think it's a solution.
Are you wrapping your pen with hardware cloth top and sides and for the bottom bring the hardware cloth out from the pen on the outside making a skirt to discourage diggers. Coons can't get through 1/4 or 1/2" hardware cloth. Other than electric fencing I don't know any other way of taking care of them other than killing. Make sure all feed is put away before dark. Where are your free range ducks at night, if left out to fend for themselves they will also bring in the predators who doesn't want a free meal.
My coops are all secure but as soon as I see any sign, I set my traps. Yes, others move in after I dispatch.

Rinse and repeat.
Having 'coons in close proximity has got to be unnerving to both you and your ducks.

Feed 'em only in your run?kennel where 'coons can't get. Corn/pellets dropped will pay them off. Coon proof nightly storage. Secure simple latches and knobs, 'coons have thumbs!

Yes, electric fencing works when: your charger delivers 4000v+(suggested) at the fence, is maintained, always operational, and super grounded. 2 deep ground rods are better than 1. If fencing a limited area around your duck housing, lay hardware cloth, connected to ground rods, flat on the ground below your wires to insure 'coons are grounded so can get zapped. It also prevents digging under.

And/or aggressively trap. Removing 6 or 12 a year may not put a dent in the population. You're right, "racoons just won't leave!"
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