
feathers flying

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 13, 2013
Q: #1, Can i let my Reds out in the rain? or at the end of the day will it one big mess?
Q: #2, my reds are 2 months old and pretty big. When can i turn the heat lamps off? average temp here is 42-52 at night.
My ladies don't like going out in the pouring rain, but they like wandering between showers. If you mean will they be a muddy mess after hanging out in the rain, then I'd say maybe. But they are birds, and they'll dry out and shake off the dirt when the rain stops.

As far as the heat lamp, are they moving away from it, or sitting under it? Once they move away from it, they are sending a message.
yes, they are. i had the lights facing the roosts and last night i seen them on the floor in a huddle. no roosting last night that i have seen. ok, the lights will be turned off thank you...
I'm also in NJ...weather is crappy, but the door to the run is open and my flock has been in and out all day...They don't really seem to care for the rain, but on the other hand it doesn't really seem to be bothering them either. Hopefully we get some sun tomorrow.

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