Raising A Ready-To-Lay Hen With Two Chicks- Feeding My Flock


5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Hi there, just wondering how I would go about feeding my Beatrice, a red sex link, who is seventeen weeks old. She's getting ready to lay but I know without sufficient calcium she might become easily eggbound.

How might I feed her layer feed while the other two chicks, roughly six week old Black Australorps, are still on chick starter?

Any advice on this topic or any experiences you'd like to share about this?

I believe most folks don't begin to use lay feed, until they see an egg. So until then you won't have a problem. If you are worried about it, you can put out some oyster shell, up a bit higher than the younger birds can reach. If they do happen to reach it, nothing really will happen to them.

First eggs sometimes come out ok, where the now 'hen' has not laid prior, she will have a full charge of calcium in her. Some times they come out without shells and other minor disasters, so it can take a bit for the pullet to get her 'parts' in order and working as they should. So to me, there is no sure fire way to do it, it just happens.

It is always good to worry over your charges, but with this one, do what makes you feel the best.

Best to you and your birds,

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from another Rachel

I have multiple ages in my flock, and both genders. I've never fed layer feed. I feed everyone an all-in-one, and give my hens their eggshells and toss oyster shell in the run from time to time. A new layer has plenty of calcium in her own body to draw from at first, so supplementing calcium really isn't as critical as with older birds. My young birds and roosters aren't ever interested in the oyster shell, they'll maybe taste it some but find it's not to their liking. And a laying hen really doesn't need much on a day to day basis.

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