Raising indoor ducks?

This here is Gibbles (he was named by a 6 year old). He was given to me as an egg by a local zoo and he has been one of the best ducks I have ever come to know! He not only is my favorite duck, but favorite pet as well. He's pretty good when it comes to putting on his diaper and once its on he doesnt try to take it off. Theres nothing cooler than a duck that comes up to you while you're watching tv and then just plops down on your lap and takes a nap. Having your duck inside allows you to create a bond that you'll never get with any of your other ducks (and most other pets for that matter)! Hatching this duck has truly been a great experience for me.

(when he was a baby)
Have you had ducks before? I would recommend visiting some and become acquainted with them. Ducks are great but their poop STINKS. I have 3 ducklings in the garage right now because they were feather picking their hatchmates. With cleaning their area daily, the garage still stinks. Ducks are flock animals and if raised indoors are VERY dependent. They will want to be with you constantly and will be very lonely if left alone.

Many with indoor ducks use diapers. Duck diapers cannot be left on all of the time. They need time without them on, more time off than on is a good rule of thumb. As someone else stated, behavior particularly that of drakes changes once hormones hit. I'm not sure if keeping a pair inside would be a great idea. The male is going to be constantly trying to mate the female (once a few months old) and won't be able to unless they are diaperless. They would need a big area so that she could get away if needed.

Ducks can live up to 15+ years so this would be a long term project. Ducks aren't allowed in many city/suburban areas, even if indoor pets. Think about what you are going to be doing in a year or 5 and think if an indoor duck is going to fit those plans. Rehoming indoor only ducks can be difficult and very traumatic for them.

I, personally, am not a fan of indoor ducks. Seeing them outside, able to forage around and really be ducks is a joy for me to see. I am lucky enough to have a creek running through the property which is dry during the summer but now, they are having a ball getting to go swim and play in the water whenever they want.
Oh my gosh! Indoor ducks? I'm raising 6 Pekin ducks and I'm feeling like I have 6 of the messiest ( but oh so cute ) ducks EVER.i can't wait for them to go outside. How do you manage please I'm open to any suggestions. I have them in a large cow waterer and use pine bedding. I have to change it three times a day at least. I raise chicks also but they are a breeze. I read that they need food and water available at all times so I make sure they have it. I let them play in the garden tub once a day and they love diving and blowing water out there nares.i dry them off and put them back in there nice clean home and an hour later it's a mess. HELP!
We have a duck who is indoors just at night. She was a rescue, and we didn't really want any more...but knowing how social ducks are, we didn't want to leave her outside every night alone. We have an area for her at night with an open top (she never flies out), and we keep towels down (wash them every morning), because a diaper all night would be too long. It does smell by morning, but we haven't really ever figured out an alternative. Sometimes we will change the towels out right before bed. She lives outside during the day in a pen, there is a pool in there for her that we drain and refill every few days & when we are home she runs around in the bigger fenced in yard with our dogs. We did lots of training with our dogs & had no problems, but visitor dogs (even after behaving for a while) would always go after her, so be careful with other pets!!! Ducks absolutely need some time outdoors, she loves following us in to spend the evenings with us, but she starts quacking at 6-7am to let us know she's ready to go be outside.
<Taking a deep breath here> My daughter has 22 East India ducks. I think that's the correct name. She also has 2 rescued Rock Doves. They ALL live in her house. Yep, in her house. She started out with 2 - Chester and Emma. Year before last (2013) they hatched a clutch and she just continued to keep them in the house. Then last year, at about the same time I was ready to evict my 5 week old chicks, they hatched another batch. Those, too, live in the house.

She has several dog crates she keeps in the house. She claps her hands and the ducks split up and go into their correct crates. Then she takes them all outside, one crate full of ducks at a time, for outdoor time....pond, running, foraging - whatever ducks do. Another hand clap and they again march into their crates for the trip back into the house and some mealworms. I've seen her do this with my own two eyeballs. She has been doing this now for 4 years, the first year with just the two. No new ducklings this year. She finally started disposing of the eggs (and I didn't ask) and putting ceramic ones in the nest. I guess once Emma, or whichever duck was laying, figured out that nothing was going to come of it, she gave up.

These ducks have toys, treats, and sit on the furniture with her and her SO when they watch TV. The Rock Doves roost on the top of the door.

2013's hatch

Nappy the Rock Dove and Chester sitting on the arm of the chair with my daughter.

Emma with 2014's hatch

Chester investigating his favorite toy.

Treat time for Emma and Chester.

Getting ready to lounge in a patch of sunshine.

Do I condone this? Absolutely NOT. I can't imagine it's good for the ducks, but they seem to be thriving! They are calm, sleek and shiny, and get along with each other just great! But I can't imagine it does her health much good, although to this point she has had no health issues. I haven't visited there in 3 years. It's not that I wouldn't be willing to go visit her - I love my daughter dearly. But whenever we go back to the state for a visit she insists on coming to town to meet us, rather than us going out there. And I must say that the last time I was there, the house was neat, clean, and there was very little odor. Considering that she didn't even know were back in the state for a visit, that was a very pleasant surprise......not at all what I dreaded I might see. But this, for me, is extreme.
<Taking a deep breath here> My daughter has 22 East India ducks. I think that's the correct name. She also has 2 rescued Rock Doves. They ALL live in her house.
I would love to know how she controls the poop with all of those ducks. It sounds like she is very organized and has them well trained - a key to her successful duck story.
Thank you for the advice! Ducks are smart and wonderful creatures but they are definitely happy when they have access to water. And keeping healthy ducks requires lots of hard work, unless one has a big backyard....
I need some help..I don't have ducks right now but I will in the spring. When I get them what will I have to keep the ducklings in. Would I have to keep them in a box type thing with a heat lap? Or what? Please help.

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