Rant Alert: Baby Animals are NOT Toys


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Central Indiana
This is a rambling rant of mine and I apologize on the front-end

In the spring I had ordered some baby chicks and its a "big" event in our house, with preparation etc. I spoke to a "friend" of mine about it, (using the term loosly, she is the mom of my kids' friends) and she suddenly had interest in raising ducks to put in their neighborhood pond. I thought she was kidding when she said that they picked up 6 ducks @ TSC, but no, she wasn't. She hadn't prepared anything and I wasn't sure what she was going to do with them after they were old enough. I'm not sure how ducks who were hand-raised, would handle being shoved out to the side of the pond in a neighborhood? I asked her a few questions, and her response was "Well I didn't think about that" Really? Were they to stay baby ducks forever in your garage? I asked her a few weeks later how the ducks were doing and she said "Well I can't really talk about it around the kids"...fast forward to a few weeks ago and I had an opportunity to talk to her without the kids around. She stated that she "wasn't sure what happened" but that 5 out of the 6 baby ducks had died just a few days after coming home. Then she started to talk about how the kids were "playing" with them a lot and how one had just laid down and died after being "played" with. The lone survivor was taken back to TSC ...

So these poor baby ducks were probably killed due to man-handling and the inability of this woman to understand that baby animals are NOT toys! They are baby animals and they need us, as the adult, to take care of them and protect them since they don't have a mama

Thanks for allowing me to use this forum as my rant, only you guys understand the complete frustration!!
Well I don't know about ducklings.. But I would guess that they need heat like chicks do and then I would research how to care for them before ever purchasing them. I'm guessing they were too cold and too handled. But to not even research it is just STUPID.
Totally understand your rant. I would be ranting too. It is scary that people like these are responsible for raising future members of our society. Yikes!
Yes. And billions of other people exactly like her have children. Who are going to grow up with that kind of mentality and have children of their own.

I have had a mom contact me about chicks for her kids. She wanted 4 chicks for a few months, until they grew 'ugly' and then bring them back to me. They were to live in their kids' room. Uhhh, nope.
poor ducks. Makes you wonder how they raise kids. Even scarier as someone else posted this is our future generation.
Unfortunately people see the chicks and ducklings at places like TSC and they are so cute...let's get some...and no one bothers to ask if they know anything about raising/keeping them. I would imagine that a lot of the "pets" bought this way don't make it...

It's like when 101 Dalmations came out and everyone thought oh, let's get one, not realizing that a Dalmation is a high energy dog and not the best suited for small children! Imagine how many "Nemos" were bought only to be flushed...

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