Rare Central & South American (& South Pacific) Breeds

Well, If both the birds are rumples, you may want to trim the feathers around the vent of both hen and roosters you're breeding. Since they don't have the last vertebrae (or tail), they can't move the feathers out of the way the way they a tailed one would. So the contact could be hindered.
That is the only issue, which is the same weather with a Collonca or an Aracauna.
Yashar, I got the eggs today & they look great, pretty colors & thanks for the extras!
From my hatch of Huastec I got a black skinned white from the remaining pinkish egg. Do you think the whites come from the lighter eggs? If so I would like to get more of those sometime. If not, I really love the blue Huastec eggs, sooo different than the other blue eggs. Also two black chicks from blue eggs, both with a sheen of fiery red in the head and neck, one more than the other. One blue egg quit at the very end. They hatched about 20 days, took off running right out of the shell - very hardy.
The Sweet Potato Quechua are larger, roly-poly, weaker type newborns - need to rest more at first, gain slower than the Huastecs. They hatch later than a standard 21 days, more like 22. one finally came out tonight at 23 days. I think it would have died without help. Two striped brown chipmunk like, one is lighter and the other like a chocolate bar brown. The other two are not stripey, they seem mottled - one bluish brown, the other has a creamy under body. It will probably change as they grow out. One of those quit at the end too.
I've got some from South Americans cooking under a couple of broodys from ChooksChick also, hope some of them are Huastecs, some of the eggs looked similar. None will be the Bigger egg types. I got some of her silkied Ameraucanas to live with the SPQ too. Having fun with this...
Yashar, I'm getting another cabinet incubator from a customer this week and want to get some of your blue eggs- I have another project in mind!!

...or perhaps it's that I'm losing my mind...
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]Renée,[/FONT]

I think you are just having a normal response... to what I'm not sure. But none the less, I think it's a good idea. If I could get another cabinet incubator and fill it up, yet not drive my family absolutely crazy, I would...
You just have to say to yourself (over and over again), half of them are going to be roosters.... that seems to somehow make things better.

I just wanted to give a quick message to everyone who PMed me over the last few days. I've been working sort of crazy hours and don't always have much time to spend on the computer.
I'm working my way down the list of folks to get back with, thanks for your patience!

Here a few picks of a Koro Sea chick:
They haven't been a big hit here, but they are one of my favorites. I really want to spruce up their description... oh, where is the time?


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