Re-homing A Chicken

sounds good to me! she's very pretty, anyone have any idea what she is?
I don't think you have the right to do either. You could ask your neighbors to keep her contained in their yard. She doesn't look like she's abused or starving.

If she's eating your garden.......tell them about it. It's their pet, right?
I called the zoning board to see if my area is zoned for her. They said no. I rent from a property management company and they will not allowed animals that are 'illegal'.

Regardless, I don't mind the fact that my neighbor's have a chicken even if our area is not zoned for her. I do mind the fact that she is wandering the neighborhood all day. She's in the street and large dogs often get loose. I figure if they don't care for her welfare somebody should.
it should be for the well being of the animal and if the owners arnt taking care of her then ohwell and posesion is 9/10th of the law right? and if she gives it a place to stay food then who is to say this chicken isnt hers?
Actually, I do have the right to drop her off at animal control. She is in an unzoned area, wandering the street and has become an nuiscance animal due to eating gardens. That, by law, gives me the right.

I agree, I don't have the 'right' to give her away but I'm doing it anyway. Look, they don't care that she wanders the neighborhood. They are fully aware that she's in the street and that loose dogs are around. I'm taking a risk, I guess, but I care enough about this animals welfare to get her off the streets. That's all.
It's apparently free range? It looks very healthy.

Either way.........and no possession in not 9/10 of the is NOT hers to give away.

It probably likes to range and has a home to go to.

All chickens that range face some danger. Anyone who free ranges knows that.

I've seen chickens treated a lot worse than that.

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